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Wednesday, 19th December


"Relax Jax, I'll only be gone a few days. I promise I'll be back by next weekend tops," Darrell said.

"Come on Darrell, do you really have to go?" I was desperate to get Darrell to stay and I wasn't above begging. I'd tried everything; threatening, commanding, emotional blackmail and even just flat-out whining — but apparently Darrell wasn't going to budge this time.

"I left my family and my friends back home without any sort of explanation, that's not fair to them and I'm fairly sure Mum and Diane have figured out that I'm not at Tyler's by now. Besides, it's Christmas soon and my mum wants me to come home for the holidays." he said as he pulled me into a hug, rubbing his hand up and down my back in an attempt soothe me and as much as I hate to admit, it was working.

"Then we'll just have them move here, they can spend Christmas here so you don't have to go," I said, burying my nose deeper into his chest and inhaling more of his scent.

"You know we can't do that Jax, it was difficult enough explaining one human to your packmates, I'm not sure they'd appreciate me bringing back five more when they are still struggling to accept me. Please, Jax? I'll be back in no time, okay?"

"It's already Wednesday, the week is basically over, why don't you just wait till weekend then," I tried to bargain.

"No, you know I was supposed to leave since Sunday. I can't keep pushing it forward. I promise I'll come back soon and we can spend the New Year together."

"Fine then, whatever," I murmured.

"Don't be like that, hmm?" he said as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Besides, I'll only be gone for a few days. It's not like I'm going to the moon never to return."

"I know, I just don't like the idea of you being away," I admitted, resting my head on his chest.

"I understand, baby. But I'll be back soon, and we'll have all the time we want together," Darrell said, pulling me in for another hug and I melted at the affectionate nickname.

I ignored him and refused to hug him back though in a pathetic display of rebellion.

"I understand you're upset, Jax, but I promise I'll be back before you know it," Darrell said, holding me closer.

Eventually, I gave in and melted into his arms, trying to soak up as much of his warmth and scent as I could before he left, attempting to ignore the pang of sadness in my chest. It was going to be a long few days without him, but I knew that he had to go and take care of his business. It was hard to be apart from Darrell though, especially when we had just started our relationship, but I knew that he had to go take care of his business.

"And hey, I'll bring you back a souvenir from my trip," he said, trying to cheer me up.

"Whatever," I mumbled again. I really didn't want Darrell to leave and Jacob was being very bratty about it and his brattiness was leaking out into my attitude. I mean, if Darrell just wants to up and leave me, that's fine then. He's entitled to do whatever he wants, I guess.

"Are you really not even going to tell me goodbye?" Darrell asked as he headed towards the door.

"I'll miss you," I managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, afraid that if I did, he would see how much I didn't want him to leave.

"I'll miss you too," he replied softly, his hand lingering on the doorknob for a moment before he finally opened it and stepped out.

I stood there for a moment, feeling lost and alone. I didn't know how to deal with the emptiness that was left behind when he was gone. But I knew that I couldn't let myself wallow in self-pity. I was an alpha, and I had responsibilities to my pack.

I realized that I was being a little immature and quite dramatic but for some reason I couldn't stand to be apart from Darrell even for a second and Jacob was also acting clingier than usual. I know that as my wolf counterpart, Jacob tends to feel things more intensely than I do but still, that's much, even by his standards.

It's not even like he's going away forever, he literally said he'd be back by next weekend.

'But what if goes back to his home and decides he doesn't want to come back?'

'I don't think he would do that,' I said, trying to reassure myself more than anything. 'Darrell isn't that type of person. He wouldn't just leave without a good reason or without at least telling us first.'

'I know, but what if something happens?' Jacob whined, nuzzling into the walls of my mind. 'What if he gets hurt or something?'

'Nothing will happen to him and even if something does, then we'll deal with it,' I said firmly. 'We're strong, and we can handle whatever comes our way. And Darrell will always be a part of our pack, no matter where he is.'

I was honestly quite worried as well but I knew I needed to be strong, if not for my sake, then for Jacob's sake at least.  He was already feeling anxious and clingy, and my own fear would only exacerbate that. So, I took a deep breath and pushed my concerns aside, focusing instead on the tasks at hand and the things that needed to be done in Darrell's absence. I knew that we would get through this, together.

I decided to do some pack work instead to keep myself busy and get my mind off of Darrell. I could feel Jacob's stress and worry through our connection, so I wanted to do something to distract him as well. We spent the afternoon checking on the pack's territory and making sure everything was in order. I tried to focus on the tasks at hand, but my mind kept wandering back to Darrell and his trip.

After a while, I noticed Jacob was still tense, so I decided to shift and let him take over. Maybe letting him out so he could run and interact with nature would make him feel better.

As soon as Jacob took control, I could feel his tension begin to ease. He ran through the woods, his fur flying in the wind as he leaped over logs and bounded through the underbrush. I let him run for a while, feeling the rush of freedom and release that came with shifting.

Eventually, Jacob slowed down and came to a stop by the edge of a stream. He lapped at the water, his tail wagging contentedly. Watching him, I couldn't help but feel grateful for our connection. It was a part of who we were and gave us a unique perspective on the world.

As the sun began to set, I shifted back to my human form and made my way back to the pack house. Jacob was a bit more relaxed and seemed to be in a better mood. I knew that we still had a long way to go before we could completely shake off our worries, but for now, it felt good to have a moment of peace.

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