Chapter 6

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"Fletch?" Wesley called out the back door.

"Yeah? I'm in the bedroom." Fletch replied.

She didn't her come back in.

Wesley knocked on Fletch's door. "Can I come in?" She asked.

"Yes, please!" Fletch said.

Wesley opened the door and searched the room for Fletch. "She spotted her rummaging through the closet. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Looking for my waders, I swear I left them here." Fletch said with a frustrated tone.

"What do you need those for?" Wesley questioned, "No fish will bite in this weather."

The best fishing does happen when it rains but not when everything is flooded like it is. And also, its storming!

Fletch ignored Wesley and continued digging.

"Fletch," Wesley said with concern, "what is wrong?"

Fletch still ignored Wesley and continued on cursing under her breath.

"Fletch," Wesley said again moving closer and putting her hand on Fletch's shoulder, "What's going on?"

Fletch finally turned and faced Wesley, tears were rolling down her face. "Hey," Wesley said, "talk to me."

"I was just looking for my waders." Fletch said wiping a tear away as if Wesley couldn't see the pain in her eyes. "I was going to see if I could get to the other side so I could have a driver take you home."

"What?" Wesley sat back on the bed, "Why?"

"I know you don't want to be stuck here with me and I'm sure you have plenty to do in that new house." Wiping more tears away, Fletch sat back on her heels. "I should have waited for you to get settle to text you. I should have never asked you to come here. I'm sorry."

"I'm glad you texted me!" Wesley spitted out. "I knew I would run into you at some point. I'm glad we are able to get this out of the way so I wouldn't have to dread going to the grocery store or gas station." Wesley started something and she couldn't stop now.

"I spent the past five years doing everything I could to get over you!" She stood up from the bed and started pacing. "I moved hundreds of miles away! I left everything and everyone behind! I started a whole new life just to forget you!"

She sat back down on the bed, "Now look where I am. I'm back here in this shitty small town. Right where I knew you were." She lowered her tone and looked into Fletch's eyes, "No matter what I did, where I went or who I was with, you were spray painted in the back of my mind."

Wesley threw her hands up "Nothing I do can erase you from me!"

She grew silent as Fletch rose to her feet. Her tall figure lingering over her made her stomach swirl. A wordless conversation was happening as they just looked deep into each other's eyes.

Finally, Wesley spoke again. "Let's clear the air and get everything out in the open." She stood up, "Is the coffee still hot?"


Sitting at the kitchen table Wesley took full control of the conversation.

"Who was she?" She asked.

"Starting out rough I see." Fletch sheepishly replied, "She was someone I met at the bar."

"The same one we met at?" Wesley angrily asked.

"Yeah." Fletch said gripping her cup of coffee and looking at it as if it were going to get up and walk away.

"What was her name?" Wesley asked, "Did I know her? Was she from here?"

"Hey," Fletch took Wesley's hand, "I will tell you everything you want to know. One thing at a time." She continued, "Her name was Ashley Tobin."

"I don't know her."

"She was just in town for a couple nights; she was heading somewhere North." Fletch looked down at her cup. "Honestly Wes, that is all I know about her."

Fletch grew silent and Wesley had no idea what to say. Wesley looked at Fletch who was refusing to make eye contact. Finally, Wesley broke the silence.

"Was it a one-time thing?" She asked not really knowing if she wanted the answer.

"It wasn't anything."

"What do you mean it wasn't anything?" Wesley's tone got angrier. Did Fletch really think what she did was nothing? The heat rose to her face. That day changed her whole life! She left everything behind and moved four states away!

"You are the reason I left Fletch!" The anger kept getting more intense. Wesley was now standing by the kitchen counter trying to get further away from Fletch. "Say something!"

"We never had sex." Fletch finally said.

"I know what I saw!" Wesley rose the tone of her voice. She doesn't believe a word Fletch is saying.

"We had just gotten here and came inside right before you did. We had not been here five minutes!" Fletch exclaimed.

"I don't believe you. There is no point in lying to me. What's done is done and nothing can be changed." Wesley said in a faint voice with tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She was now sitting in the floor, back up against the cabinet with her knees to her chest. "We have to deal with each other for however the hell long we are stuck here. So, the more you're honest the easier it will be to tolerate you."

"I can take whatever it is you have to say. This cabin is big enough to avoid each other." She continued.

Fletch picked up her phone and was doing something Wesley couldn't see.

"You're kidding me!" Wesley couldn't believe how careless Fletch was. She knew Fletch obviously didn't care much for her or she wouldn't have cheated on her.

"Just hold on, I have something to show you." Fletch said as she stood up and walked towards Wesley. She flipped her phone around to show something to Wesley.

"What is this?" Wesley asked.

"Just watch it and make sure to look at the times."

Wesley silently watched the video. She couldn't believe it. The time read 5:09PM. She saw Fletch and that woman get out of their cars. She does not remember seeing another car, but she was quite distracted that day. She noticed how they were not touchy and just causally walked inside.

She saw her own car pull up and the time read 5:13PM. Fletch wasn't lying. She snuck a glance at Fletch who was holding back tears. She returned her attention to the phone screen and saw herself running out and Fletch not far behind. She looked at the time and it was 5:15PM. She watched herself speed off and then watched Fletch.

The audio wasn't on, but she could tell Fletch was yelling. She looked up at Fletch and her tears were falling at a steady stream. She returned her focus to the screen.

She saw the woman come out the door and Fletch pointing and what looks like telling her to go. The time said 5:17PM. The other woman got in her car and left. She saw Fletch fall to her knees and that's when Fletch turned the phone off and turned around walking back towards her seat at the table.

Wesley stood up quickly following Fletch to the table. Did Wesley overreact all those years ago? If Wesley wouldn't have ran off and cut all contact with Fletch, where would she be now? This brought even more questions. 

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