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The next day once Zero walked Into class, Jane was livid at the sight of a fresh bruise on her friends eye. It wasn't like anything she'd ever seen before, and it was scary. Zero needed help.

During class, Zero didn't say much so she knew he was probably thinking about the bruise as well.

He'd gotten many stares at school and that made him uncomfortable. He did contemplate on whether he should buy something to cover it up, but those thoughts were dismissed once he realized he was no makeup expert.

The brunette teen easily got Zero's attention and waited for him to explain what happened to him or his eye.

"Zero..! You can't let this keep happening! I swear she's going to kill you one day!"

Zero rolled his eyes, "No, she's not going to kill me. If I died it'd probably be by my own hand."

Jane gasped and slapped a hand on her friends back, pulling and pushing it back and forth to make the boy move aggressively.

"Quit... That..!" Zero whined, shutting his eyes tight while he rocked and rocked.

She unwrapped her hand from the boys bag and pouted at him. "You didn't even try anything to stop me, Zero! You just let it happen! You're an easy target and you fail to see that!"

"I don't fail to see that Jane!" He whipped his head to the girl, "Look, I- I know I'm a predators prey, but.. there just isn't anything I can do with Y/N.. and- and it's embarrassing!"

"You've never even tried to fight back!" The brunette frowned.

"Yeah, and if I did, she'd win regardless. She's the one with power, did you forget that Jane?"

Jane didn't say anything else. She shook her head with a long sigh that followed behind. She couldn't believe that her friend was just letting these type of things happen to him.

It was disappointing knowing she couldn't do anything to help either.

The girl looked at her blonde friend from the side, then back down at her desk in silence.

"Jane," the male beside her sighed, turning his eyes back to the brunette.

"Yeah...?" She replied.

"Why did you say those things at lunch yesterday...?"

"What.. things..?"

"Like, when Y/N was coming to take me.. why did you do that...?"

Jane didn't reply, she just frowned, "Am I the reason she beat you..?!"

"No, no.. she beats me almost everyday. You're good.."


"So... Why did.. why did you say it?"

"Because I didn't want you to be left alone with her. Is that so bad?"

"No, but.. next time," he stared straight ahead with no emotion shown on his face, "Word your words better Jane."

The brunette bit the inside of her cheek once she saw how expressionless and emotionless her friends went.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay."

"I really mean it Zero."

Zero sent her an assuring smile, "I said it's okay Jane, no need to apologize."

After those words were said, they both went quiet again. Not sure of what to say after the conversation they just had.

Then, Jane broke the silence one again, "Uhm, hey. I actually wanted to tell you about something.."

"What is it?" The male asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"I think Y/N likes you. Like, like likes you.. I'm just putting that out there."

The blonde was really offended by his friends words. She constantly made his life a living hell, if she liked him then that wasn't a way to show it.

"Are you crazy? She doesn't like me. She hates my fucking guts..! Why would you say that? This isn't some romantic enemies to lovers bullshit."

"What? I'm crazy? You're naive! Do you not see the way she looks at you? I was sure she was so close to killing me yesterday, just by the way she was looking at me."

The blonde began to stammer as thoughts of his bully saying flirtatious things to him gathered up in his mind.

"She.. does not like me, Jane.."

"How do you know that?"

"Because she fucking picks on me? I don't know, maybe that's why?"

"Oh come on, Zero. We both know Y/N is a sadist, so let's stop acting like she isn't."

"Jane, you're just saying things-"

"No, actually I'm not. I'm telling you, she likes you."

Zero rolled his eyes before staring at his friend in shock. He couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"You're fucking weird...."

An idea popped inside of the brunettes head and everything started to connect, "Wait, Zero. I have an idea that could possibly maybe get Y/N to leave you alone."

Piping up, all other thoughts were wiped away and Zero was curious as to what this idea was, so he waited for the woman to tell him her big plan.

"You could try to get her to like you even more! Maybe even seduce her! That would definitely get her to leave you alone."

"Ugh," Zero facepalmed, "That's the worse idea ever... I'd rather be beaten to death by her than fucked by her.."

"It's worth a try though, isn't it?"

"Do you even know what you're talking about? She won't leave me alone if she likes me, Jane. That'll only drive her closer to me."

"But it is better than dying to a woman, is it not?"

Jane had a point there. That'd be extra embarrassing.

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