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When the two were then stopped In front of Zero's home, the blonde boy prepared to leave before he felt Y/N put her hand right on top of his shoulder, resulting in him turning his head so he could look at her. She stared at him with a confused look, and he was just as confused because he didn't know what she wanted.

"Um, my kiss?" Y/N asked as if what she wanted was so obvious.

Zero didn't have any problem with what she wanted. He actually loved the fact that she wanted a kiss goodbye.

Leaning his face over to the girls, Zero planted a soft kiss on the girls lips, loving the way she followed in that action.

Once Zero pulled away from the H/C haired female, he felt her warm hand quickly being placed on the back of his neck before she pushed her face back up to his, giving him a longer and more passionate kiss this time.

Zero could feel himself about to fall forward with how hard Y/N was kissing him.

When they both pulled away after the kiss, Zero smiled at her and said his goodbyes, "Bye. I-I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N..."

Y/N gave him one of her smile. "Yeah. Wear something cute for me, okay?"

"O-Okay Y/N.." He whispered, his cheeks growing red at the tone that was used by his bully.

The boy then turned around with the same grin. He opened the door for himself before he put one foot out the door and pushed himself out of the car.

When he was fully out, he waved the female goodbye before he turned around and prepared himself for his parents.

Slowly walking over to his front door, the blonde placed his hand on the door knob before he twisted it and opened the door, listening to the creaking sound that came from it.

Just as the boy tip toed in the dark house, he saw the lights go on to reveal his father standing in front of him with crossed arms and an angry look over his face.

"Where have you been Zero?" He grumbled, not making any movements.

Zero looked down to the ground, feeling a bunch of fear forming inside of him. "I was.. just... At a friend's house, dad.."

The older male took some steps closer to his son, "Which friend? You don't have any fucking friends."

Flinching at every word that was thrown his way, the blonde began to nervously tug at the sides of his pants. "Just.. s-some guy..."

The father didn't say anything to his son. Instead, the older man just watched him shake in fear before he finally thought to say something.

"Come here." His dad ordered, watching the way his son quickly scrambled over to him.

Zero took his eyes up off of the ground to stare up at his father with confusion in his blue eyes. "I'm gonna smell you."

Now those words really shocked the blonde. Sure he was home late for the first time since forever, but that didn't mean he needed to smell him.

"F-For what...?" He mumbled as he took some steps backwards, angering the older man even more.

"Bring your ass back here right fucking now Zero or I swear to God."

The scrawnier male pursed his lips and retracted his steps so that he was right in front of his father again.

The dad leaned over and got a whiff of the other males scent before he leaned back with annoyance all over his face. "You were with a girl, weren't you?"

"I.. uh.." Zero wondered how his father knew that, "I... Y-Yes..."

Crossing his arms over his chest, the taller blonde clenched his jaw. "And you didn't even think to ask me or your mother, huh?"

"S-Sorry dad, I.. I'll a-ask you next time..." His fingers trembled everytime his father said one word. It was so raspy and deep and it still scared him everytime he heard it.

A sigh left his father's lips, "So what did you do with her, hm? You finally stopped being a fucking loser and lost your virginity? Or was she a prostitute you paid, hm?"

Zero didn't appreciate the way his very own dad degraded the girl he began to have feelings for. "She's.. not a prostitute, dad..."

"Oh, what? You have girlfriends now?" His father laughed in his face, sending him a taunting grin.

Zero didn't know why, but his heart throbbed at the thought of him and Y/N officially getting together.

Out of nowhere, the blonde boy puffed out his chest with red cheeks. "Yes.. sh-she is my girlfriend, actually."

"Don't fucking lie. We both know that isn't true," the man responded in a heavy voice, making sure he intimidated his son.

"I'm not lying." Zero said, copying his father's tone of voice to do the same.

After that was said by the boy, he felt himself being pushed up to his door with a loud thud that was heard.

The man wrapped the younger man's shirt up in his large fist, causing some of the blondes stomach to show a bit. "Don't fucking talk to me that way."

Zero shut his eyes tight with trembling lips. "O-Okay.. I'm.. sorry..."

"Do you hear me?" His father asked, shaking the other man with every word he said out loud.

The boy with shut eyes nodded to his dad's words, not wanting to upset him even more.

After a long one sided stare off, the father let go of his son's shirt and pushed him hard up against the door.

He leaned back and looked his son up and down in disgust before he turned around and began walking over to his bedroom.

Just as the blonde was about to break down, he felt another presence enter the room, causing him to suck all of his sadness up.

He moved his head and allowed his watery blue eyes to land on his mother that sent him a look of guilt and pity mixed together.

Zero felt betrayal filling his veins, but he knew there wasn't really anything his mother could do, so he just went on his way.

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