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Zero watched as y/n walked over to him with her hand already reaching into the pocket of her pants. She smiled at him while she continued to get closer and closer to him, noticing the scowl on his face but deciding to just ignore it since she'd already made up her mind about him going.

Once the female was close enough to the blonde, she tilted her head at him, her smiling growing a little wider, "Hi, Zero."

Zero just leaned his back on the wall behind him while he looked up at the woman through his eyebrows, still not saying a word to the girl to let her know that he was upset with her decision of him not going with her.

After eyeing down the blonde that still didn't say a word, she slipped her fingers deeper into her pocket and pulled out the money she told Zero she would have for him.

Tensing up with his throat closing up just like before, he leaned up from the wall a little with pleading eyes. He actually thought the girl would change her mind for him, but no. She stayed true to her word.

"Here you go," she wrapped her left hand around the males right before she forced his hand open and slapped two twenty dollar bills in the palm of his hand.

He clasped his hand around the money that he'd just received from the woman, "Woah!! What.. do I need forty dollars for?"

"I figured you'd be a little upset since I'm not spending the lunch period with you today, so I just thought I'd give you a little extra cash."

Zero knew he couldn't be mad at the girl forever, so he just relaxed a little and allowed his body to warm up at the shockingly generous act that Y/N did for him before he turned his eyes away from the money.

"I love you so much, Y/N..." He whined out before he raised his arms out and gently wrapped them around the girls waist with an even louder whine. "You didn't have to..."

"Oh, but I wanted to," she chuckled out, her hand already petting down against the mans pale hair that seemed softer than usual.

After they held eachother like that for a little more longer, Y/N exhaled out of her nose and gently pushed her hands onto Zero's shoulder with an awkward smile, "Okay, Zero. I need to go back to Nick and Castiel."

Zero closed his eyes tight with a groan while he hugged Y/N tighter, his arms now crushing the sides of the woman's body.

She let out a grunt at the feeling of her sides crumbling together, and that's when her grip on the blondes shoulders got tighter, "Hey, get off, Zero..."

The man still didn't listen though, he just buried his pale face in Y/Ns shirt while he tried to squeeze her body even harder.

Not being able to take his tight hold anymore, Y/N aggressively wrapped her hands around his forearm before she pushed him hard against the wall, causing him to gasp out in pain.

She watched as the man silently dropped down onto his knees, "Zero, you're being over dramatic.. s-stop causing a scene, you're making me look bad..."

Zero catched his breath a little, trying to ignore the fact that his heartbeat just stopped for a quick minute. "Owww.. that hurt...!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, Zero, but I really gotta get going now so I'll see you later then, yeah?"

Immediately standing up to his feet, the blonde kept his eyes on her body while she turned herself around and he let out yet another whine for the female, "Y/N, don't go yet..!!"

The girl still didn't stop herself from walking, and that really irritated and hurt the blonde because he didn't like the fact that he had to beg for quality time with the woman he adored.

He began to follow behind her with wide puppy dog eyes, "Y/N... You're seriously going to leave me for.. for them? How much do you wanna bet that they'll end up homeless, hmm?"

Y/N really thought that was uncalled for, so she spared the blonde that continued to walk with her a quick glance. "Not like you have anything to bet on..."

Luckily, Zero didn't hear her since she was speaking underneath her breath. She knew he would make it into a big thing even though she did just make fun of him for not having as much money as her.

Pactically forcing the woman to fall out of her thoughts about the last sentence that came from him, Zero then pushed his body closer to Y/Ns while he roughly wrapped both of his arms around one of hers. "Y/N, I'm talking to you!!"

"I hear you talking to me, Zero." She stopped in her tracks to place her hand on top of Zero's arm before she began to gently push his arms off of her, causing him to frown at that action.

"So.. so then act like it...!" He mumbled out with bright red cheeks, "A-All I'm thinking is that, you shouldn't need to hang out with other guys when I'm right here, you know?! And plus, you're already right here as well, so I don't see the point in coming over here to give me money when you're not even gonna be hanging out with me!"

The girl let his words flew through her head while she piped up and let a hum play at her throat. After allowing herself to form her own thoughts, she then pushed her hand out and showed Zero the palm of her hand, "So then give it back."

"What...?" His frown went deeper and the look in his eye was filled with a need for the H/C haired teen that just stared at him with her hand out.

When the woman realized that Zero wasn't even willing to try and understand what she meant, she rolled her eyes, "Give me my money back then. It doesn't seem like you want it, so you can give it back."

"No, it's.. it's not that I don't want it! It's just that..." He looked down to his feet crumpling the money he had in his hand. "I want you more than the money, Y/N.. because.. I- I love you so much...."

"Okay then. I'll see you!" Just as she was about to turn around once more, she felt Zero's slender fingers shooting out to her wrist before he turned her around.

She watched the shine in his doe eyes grow bigger, "What? I.. I told you I love you, now you say it-"

"I.. they're waiting on me, Zero.. I really have to go..." Zero felt like his heart was just stabbed a million times until it wasn't even a heart anymore. Just a blob that laid inside of him.

"But, Y/N-"

Now Y/N was really getting annoyed with the blonde that just didn't get the hint so she turned herself around and pushed his hands off of her once again, no fake smile shown on her face anymore, only pure annoyance. "Zero, listen to me. If you love me so much, then you won't have to worry about me hanging out with other guys, alright?"

"I honestly don't even think you should be hanging out with other people... It doesn't matter if they're a boy or if they're a girl. You only need me, Y/N...!"

The female opened her mouth to say something, but she was just too in shock to even form a proper thought in her head. What he just said was psychotic and it wasn't normal to her, she didn't like the way he was getting attached to her.

All she could do was whirl herself back around while shaking her head in disbelief at the blondes intimidating words, leaving him behind without another look.



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