When both of them men were finally up In Yujins room, Zero was finally about to get ready for what he came there to do. He stepped closer to the taller man, and just as he was about to slowly pull the hammer from out of his pocket, he saw Yujins dark eyes move behind him, causing him turn around while pulling his hand away from his pocket.
Zero saw Yujins mother staring into his soul with no smile on her lips anymore. He then knew that she thought something was very wrong, so he turned around once more and made eye contact with the dark haired boy that stood right behind him.
As the blonde continued to stare into Yujins dark eyes, he slightly nodded his head to the door as a groan escaped Yujins lips.
"It's... It's fine, mom... Just... C-Close the door..." Yujin gulped, letting his shoulders sink with every word he said.
Hesitantly, the older female then put her hand on the door knob before she pulled it back with unsure eyes.
When the door was closed shut, Zero waited for a few minutes before he started reaching inside of his pocket once more, startling the boy in front of him a bit.
Seeing the hold Zero had on the hammer, his eyes went bigger and he moved back some, not wanting to be swung on by the other male.
"Yujin." Zero said to the boy as he walked even closer to him, "I just want to talk to you, okay?"
Yujin nodded his head from side to side as he backed away while Zero only started getting closer. "Zero...! What the hell...?! Wh-Why do you have a hammer??"
"The proper question is what am I going to do with the hammer." Zero joked, only finding the way Yujins fear visibly increased even more hilarious.
Still waiting for the blonde to explain, Yujin stood still against his wall in legs that were practically shaking.
"Look. Y/N.. she... Doesn't know that she's in love with me... Yet." The blonde pushed the hammer up to Yujins face, freaking him out even more.
Yujin looked inbetween the hammer and Zero's face with immense fear building up through his body. "O-Okay..."
"Are you following along?" The shorter male asked, waving the hammer around with each word he uttered.
Zero just loved the obvious fear that showed across Yujins features. It made him feel so powerful, "Y-Yes..! I.. I'm following..."
"Good boy." The blonde praised jokingly while mimicking Y/Ns voice, "Alright, I'm gonna need you to stop having any connections to Y/N, okay?"
"What...? I.. I can't just-" Yujin was cut off by the hammer twitching in his direction, and that caused a short squeak to leave him, and he immediately shut himself up.
"Yes you can." Zero stepped on his tippy toes and began to form a stare off with the dark haired teen, glad that he was the one with the weapon. "And you will. Y/N is mine and nobody elses, do you get that??"
Yujin, still afraid of the blonde, couldn't muster up any words from himself. He just cowered down against his wall with shaky eyes. Zero didn't expect him to be all that scared, but there they were.
Not satisfied by the taller man's silence, Zero raised his left hand up to Yujins straight dark hair and yanked a chunk of it before he roughly pushed him down onto his knees by his hair.
A cut off yelp left Yujin before he felt Zero's knee being slammed against his jaw, causing him to be unable to say literally anything. "Say you won't talk to her ever again. Say it."
Now Yujin really couldn't say anything. His throat tightened up and his eyes were getting teary as he looked up at the blonde that didn't show any guilt over his face. "Say it..!!"
The whisper yell that came from Zero really frightened Yujin even more, but he knew he had to try and say something, "I... Won't- mmmh t-talk to her....!"
Words sounding muffled, Zero still wasn't satisfied at all, so he pulled his knee away from the other mans jaw to allow him to speak up. "Say 'I will never speak to Y/N again. I will not look in her direction at all. I will not make any eye contact with her ever again. I will never touch her again. I will keep my hands to myself and I will find someone new to fuck with.' Say it."
"I- I will.. n-never speak to Y/N a-again.... I will not look in her direction at all..! I will not make any eye contact with her ever again.... I will.. never t-touch her again, a-and I will keep my hands to myself and I will find someone n-new to... F-Fuck with....!!"
Zero was glad that Yujin complied and didn't make any problems for him. He removed his full knee away from the mans face before giving him a light kick to his stomach, resulting in the taller teen to lean over with tears officially coming down his face.
"You're so lucky your parents are downstairs right now. I would've already bashed your fucking brains in." He spat, staring down at Yujin with dull eyes.
"And I would've fed you to my pet." Zero was getting more pissed off with every time Yujin moved an inch. He was just so unbearably disgusted by the teen.
Crouching down to the taller male with darker eyes that had no spark in them, Zero put the hammer up against Yujins throat, watching as his adams apple throbbed underneath his smooth skin.
"Don't ever think about Y/N again. If I find out that you've been anywhere near her, trust me Yujin, I will cut your head from your throat and mail it to your mother..."
A cold shiver went down Yujins spine once he'd processed what the blonde had just told him. What was even scarier was the fact that Zero seemed dead serious. There was no smile on his face to show that he was joking at all.
"Do you hear me Yujin?" He asked, pushing his face closer to his so he felt his breath hitting against his cheek a bit, "Or do I need to show you that I'm not fucking around...?"
"NO...." Yujin pleased with more tears gushing out of his dark eyes, "No.. no... I- I won't talk to Y/N a-anymore..."
Jumping back up to his feet with a stern look over his features, a slight giggle came from the blonde before he turned around. "Soft."
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