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The male put his device up to his ear with a smile on his lips. He completely forgot to apologize to Jane for the vulgar conversation she had to witness between him and Y/N since he was busy with the woman, so he thought it was a perfect opportunity to do it now.

"Hey, Jane!" He chirped, his smile only growing bigger when he heard her moving around on the other side of the phone.

The brunette cleared her throat and tried to keep her calm, "Hi Zero. I wanted to talk to you... A-About-"

"About what happened, right..?" He waited for a reply and when he heard her beginning to speak again, he cut her off. "I actually wanted to talk about that as well."

"Zero," she chuckled awkwardly, "That's actually not what-"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry... It was so weird of me, and.. uh... It- it was just a little prank I wanted to put on you."

Y/N tilted her head to the side with a fake pout. It didn't take her long to put the dots together and realize that it was Jane he was speaking to, but she was slightly hurt by the males words.

Jane's heart fluttered at the apology that was sent her way. She wondered if she did have a chance with Zero.

Putting her index finger up to her hair, the girl began to twirl a small chunk of her hair through her finger. "Oh... Okay, cool..."

The dry response after the explanation the blonde gave was killing him, but he didn't think there was nothing else he could say. "Yeah..."

"Uh," Jane went on, about to give the real reason on why she called him, "That's not.. why I called you, hah."

"Oh." Zero's eyes looked straight at a Y/N that didn't look too happy with him. "Then what did you call me for..?"

The H/C haired woman crossed her arms and turned her E/C eyes onto the males device.

"I actually wanted to know if you knew about the, uh.. th-the dance.."

That's when Zero actually realized what Jane wanted from him. But for some reason, he didn't like what she was about to ask him at all. In fact, the blonde actually felt really disgusted.

Clicking his tongue with narrowed eyes that were still on Y/N, Zero shook his head no. "I, uh... I c-can't.. sorry..."

The woman on the other end of the devices heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. "Oh.... Why.. not?"

"Because.." he mumbled, now taking his eyes off of the woman beside him. "I'm.. too busy... A-And I'm probably not even gonna go.."

"D-Do you need something to wear..? I- I can buy you something Zero!"

The man hated the way she was incoherently begging for him to go with her. "No, I'm good..."

Jane slumped down in her bed with a long sigh that left her mouth, "Fuck..."

Hearing that the female wasn't happy, Zero decided to try and cheer her up. "Hey, and.. you don't even need a date to go! It's only for fun.. the.. school says...!"

Rolling her green eyes, the girl slumped even further down in her bed. "So you follow the school account now?"

"Hah!" Zero laughed out, still attempting to lift the females mood. "Good one, but no... I don't!"

After talking about some random stuff they both had in common, the two friends both said their goodbyes and Zero allowed Jane to be the one to hang up.

Y/N stared straight at the boy before she finally said something to him. "What was that about?"

"Uh... Jane, she uh.. wanted to go to the dance with me.. but.. I said no, because.. I'm going with you!"

"Aww, you should've said yes," Y/N joked, raising her hand up to the boys face to give him a boop on his nose. "Now Jane's gonna be all sad."

Zero didn't understand that what the teen was saying was a joke, and he frowned to the girl. "You.. don't want to go with me anymore? And.. don't you like.. hate Jane or whatever?"

Y/N became genuinely confused by what the boy had to say. "Yeah, it was just a joke.. but, why do you think I hate Jane? I have no problem with her."

The man didn't know why, but that kind of hurt him. He thought about Yujin and how easily he became jealous, but Y/N wasn't jealous towards Jane at all.

"Ohh.. sorry." He chuckled, "I was only joking.. a-as well, so..."

"Yeah," the female laughed along with him, not quite believing the blondes words.

When they had nothing else to say, Y/N reached her hand over to the mans thigh and gave it a light squeeze. "Why did you tell her what we said was just a prank Zero?"

The blonde stiffened up at the sudden touch, "Because.. w-we both know she likes me, and.. we still did that, so... Uh, yeah.. didn't wanna hurt her feelings..."

"Oh, okay.." Y/N hummed, "But next time don't do that again, okay?"

Zero crossed his arms and turned his body to the side with a pout. "But why? Sorry that I want to keep my only friendship.."

Her hold on the mans thigh became tighter, causing him to flinch, "Hey, don't have an attitude with me, okay? Just do as I say."

"Sorry!" Zero blurted out again, "I'm sorry..." The boy just prayed that there wouldn't be a next time.

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