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Blue eyes staring through the glass infront of him, Zero sat there with puffy red eyes and a face with no emotion showed across it. He didn't know what to feel. All he felt was despair and nothingness, and he simply wanted to turn into the dust that could float away within the wind. He was so hurt, and he didn't know what he should've been processing in the moment. He just sat there, large bags underneath his eyes, his blue eyes way darker than ever, only dullness filling his facial expression, and messy blonde hair that laid on top of his head.

Glancing up once he saw who it was that decided to sit infront of the other side of the glass, there was his mother with no look in her eyes neither. She just wanted to drop to her knees to sob and bed for forgiveness from her son. She didn't want him to end up this way. In fact, she never assumed he would ever go down this route. At the end of the day, she only wanted him to be his innocent boy again, but she knew that feeling would never return. Not after what he did, no.

The older woman picked up the phone and put it up to her ear with a devastated look showing through her exhausted eyes while Zero simply followed that action, the other phone pressing against his own ear before he silently gulped, waiting for his mother to say anything to him. He didn't want to be behind this glass that was keeping them away from touching. He just wanted her warm embrace.

"Why...?" The mothers shaky voice questioned as she widened her eyes, the horror filling her mind after she remembered the full details of how her sons victims had died. She actually couldn't believe that her boy would do something so sinister, and it actually made her sick to her stomach. There wasn't anything she could've done because it was already finished, and that only made her feel so much more worse, and she also blamed herself.

Staring at his mother with shaky lips as he watched her eyes begin to water, Zero slightly puffed his chest out and clenched his jaw, sending the woman a hard stare while he silently refused to let himself break down underneath her stare, "For Zelia. For Y/N. For them only, and nobody else. I.. had to protect the ones I love.... A-Are you mad at me..?"

The mothers breath hitched and she felt a tear drop down against her cheek. Those last five words made her think back to a smaller Zero that couldn't tell right from wrong. It hurt her so badly. It hurt to know that she should've been there, comforting him, not on the standbys, watching him go through mental and physical torture. She felt like a piece of shit that should've done better, but she knew she couldn't put all of the blame on herself. Zero was an adult, a very careless one at that, but that still didn't change anything. He was still so young.

"I'm so sorry. I... I should've b-been there for you... L-Looking after you... h-holding you.. Taking care of you... It.. d-didn't have to be.. this way. I didn't... ever think you'd come out to be a... c-cold blooded killer. Why...? WHY?" Zero flinched at the last question that came from his mother, and it almost began to sound like she was pleading for an explanation, which she was. He didn't know what to tell her, he told her all he knew.

There was a shiver that went down the man's spine as he furrowed his eyebrows, watching the woman's shoulders bounce as he widened his eyes even more, not sure of what he should've said to his mother since he was in absolutely no position to please her. He had to tell her the truth. He didn't want her to think he was even more crazier than what she was thinking, "I told you. I only did it for them, and... You.. didn't do anything wrong. This was a-all me, and I'm starting to see that now..."

Looking back up into the blue eyes of her son, the mother scoffed and let the tears stream down each sides of her faces while she kept staring at the young teen in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest and her blood rushing through her at an alarming rate. It wasn't like anything she'd ever felt these emotions. They completely overtook her and ate at her alive. She just wanted to crawl into a hole and rot there.

With everything going on through the media, and the scrambling things that filled inside of her mind, she wasn't sure if she would've been able to handle anymore of this. She was only looking for answers. It started off as her pitying herself, then her only son, then her husband, and then her daughter, and soon enough, it turned into a huge loop she didn't know if she could escape from, "Zero. What.. what did I do wrong??? Why are you doing this to me..?! Was my parenting really.. th-that bad!??!!"

Zero was confused as to why she was beginning to make such a scene, especially since the officers standing behind her were keeping careful eyes on not only him, but his mother as well. He honestly didn't blame them because she didn't look the healthiest either. They probably knew where he got all of his craziness from, "I just said you didn't do anything wrong. It was.. all me..."

"Do you even regret what you've done?!?" The mother wanted to scream at the top of her lungs and rip her hair out of the top of her head, but no, she just sat there, tightly gripping the phone as her tears continued streaming down her cheeks while her entire face turned into a deep shade of red.

She was so embarrassed by her son, but she also couldn't help but love him no matter what. She hated herself, then him, then herself, then him then herself, and it was just like that. There were even times where she'd hate the both of them together, and that wasn't rare at all, "Well...?! DO YOU??!"

Backing away from the older blonde infront of him, that's when Zero pursed his lips, knowing very well that although he was in jail, he wasn't learning anything from being in here. He missed Y/N every single day, and he wondered what it was that happened to her. He was mentally counting down the days he would see her again. He didn't care if he were to rot inside of a cell either, he promised himself he would still count down, "I... I.. I know what I did was wrong... M-My doctor said that was the first step, and I-"

"You're a fucking MONSTER!! YOU'RE DISGUSTING! YOU'RE VILE, FILTHY, DIRTY, AND YOU'RE A SINNER. YOU AREN'T MY SON. MY SON ISN'T LIKE THIS!!" She began screaming loudly to the man that simply pressed the phone down against his chest, a wince coming from his throat while he watched the female have an entire meltdown, resulting in the officers to scoop her up while she kept sobbing and yelling at the same time.

There was so much pent up anger and depression that she had to let out, and even though she didn't plan on letting it out on the blonde boy she'd blindly raised, it just came out, and she just snapped, rightfully so. She was so embarrassed to acknowledge the fact that she gave birth to such a horrible person.

While the officers tried pulling her away from the glass, Zero could only sit there, tight lipped while he put the phone back up to his ear to whisper a small, "You're not so innocent yourself..."

The mother knew exactly what he was talking about when he said that. The thoughts of her watching as he got beat for the smallest things filled her mind, and she even started to feel bad, and in her mind she began blaming herself. That didn't stop her from calming down, though. It only made her feel so much more worse as the officers still tried to fight on her, which eventually led to some more officers stepping inside of the room, loud voices clouding her mind in the background.

"I KNOW!!! I KNOW I'M A HORRIBLE MOTHER! I KNOW! BUT YOU...! THAT DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOU! YOU'RE SICK! SICK IN THE HEAD, AND YOU WILL BURN IN HELL WITH ALL OF THE OTHER WICKED SCUMS OF THIS WORLD!!" Her voice cracked and cracked with each word she let out, but that wasn't anything the blonde man couldn't process himself. It almost made him a little upset until he remembered that all he needed in this world was Y/N, even if she wasn't around anymore.

He fluttered his eyes shut and smirked to his mother before he peeled his eyes open again, the same smile still remaining against his lips, "Then I guess that makes two of us."

Once he uttered those evil words with an almost innocent glint shining through those dark eyes of his, he himself was pulled away by one gentle police officer that didn't dare make a scene since the young man's mother was already taking care of that from the both of them. While he got pulled away by the older and much taller man, he thought back through all of his memories with Y/N, already knowing his sanity would be even more destroyed throughout the time he was serving.

Y/N watched the entire thing with an own wide eyed look of her own, and she couldn't speak, or more so she couldn't find the words to say. She just hoped she would never see Zero ever again.


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