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Y/n and Zero stood in the long aisle, the woman seeming bored and the man looking concentrated. He was currently leaned over, contemplating on which type of snack he should get. Y/N didn't understand why though, she didn't think it was all that important either.

Groaning out, breaking the males concentration, Y/N snatched up one of the bag of chips from off it's counter before she pushed it onto Zero's chest. "You're getting these, now let's go."

"Wait- but..." Y/Ns eyes went darker and all emotion went dead from her face. That caused Zero to grip onto the bag of chips tighter while he looked away from her E/c eyes that were burning holes into him.

Once the female noticed how silent he got, she clenched her jaw in guilt and huffed at him. "Fine.... just.. get whatever you want.."

A spark in Zero's eyes lit up as he stared at the woman in front of him in disbelief, "What? You mean that..."

"Yes, I'll pay. Grab whatever you want before I change my mind.." she mumbled, embarrassed by her way of showing affection.

As Zero started to walk off, he turned around and made eye contact with Y/N as he did so. "What's the limit?"

"I have money." She pursed her lips at her slight brag, loving the way the blonde chuckled at her before he turned around and already began to go ballistic on the snacks.

As the man continued to grab whatever he wanted, he had to stop what he was doing when he heard a notification come from his phone that sat in his pocket.

Trying his best to hold all of the bags and snacks in his skinny arms, he slowly reached his slender fingers down to his pocket.

Once the blonde felt the tip of his fingers brush right against his device, that's when all of the snacks fell onto the ground, causing him to lean over in attempt to catch atleast some of them.

The blonde grimaced to himself as he looked off to the side and saw his crush staring at him from afar. She had a disappointed look and she just figured she'd let the male deal with it on his own.

Turning back to the mess he'd already made, Zero crouched down to the floor and began picking up the snacks with his left hand as his right traveled down to his pocket that still had notifications coming from it.

Once the teen finally his device in the palm of his hand, he switched on his phone and entered in his password before his eyebrows raised and his breath seemed to stop once he saw six notifications from Jane.

Y/Ns been on his mind so much lately that he quite literally forgot all about the brunette that was still in his phone.

He hesitantly tapped on her name and read through the texts that came from the dark haired female.

'Zero I'm so sorry about what I did. I never meant to hurt you and I didn't think you'd go all crazy on me. If you see this, please text me back' read one.

'I want you to know that I forgive you. I've missed you so much and I know you haven't seen me in class for a while, but I'm coming back soon' read another.

'also Zero, did you try to kill me that day or were you just really mad?'

'wait. You were trying to kill me wtf'

'it wasn't even that serious. You're so sensitive'

'zero I'll be back in school soon and trust me I will ruin your life'

Zero didn't like what he read on the last text that was sent. He started shivering and his stomach dropped at the sight of it, but he didn't know why he still didn't regret what he did.

The blonde shot up from his crouch and ran his left hand through his hair with a panicked expression. He didn't know how he was going to get out of this.

Y/N stared straight at the man with a tilted head and narrowed E/C eyes.

After some more time, she began to watch as the blonde paced around through the empty aisle, and now she was growing curious as to what was wrong with him.

Stuffing her own device into her pocket, Y/N took off and walked over to the male before stopping right next to him.

"What's up with you..?" She asked, watching as Zero put his phone down and turned around in a swift move. "You're acting strange."

"I- it's.. it's n-nothing..." Zero had wide eyes that were looking everywhere around the store, and that made Y/N grow even more skeptical and curious.

She put her hand out and showed the blonde the palm of her hand, "Zero.... Let me see your phone..."

Zero then kept his eyes on top of Y/Ns, "What...? W-Why do I need to.. give you my phone...?"

"Because I want to see what's wrong with you. It's not that hard to see that something on your phone is making you tweak out."

The man processed his crushes words before he stiffened up and sighed in defeat, raising his hand up to hers before pushing his device right into her hand.

She wrapped her hands around his device and stared down at it, only feeling more puzzled. She didn't understand what any of the texts meant.

"Why is she saying these things to you Zero?" She questioned, keeping her eyes down on his phone.

Zero could've sworn he felt his veins hrow cold inside of his body. He didn't know if he should tell her about what he's done because he didn't know if she'd stop liking him. He didn't want her to think he was some kind of woman beater.

Now getting even more skeptical due to the males silence, Y/N looked up from the phone and strained her eyes at Zero. "Zero... What does this mean...?"

Pursing his lips as his chin wobbled in fear, Zero turned his eyes away and already felt tears forming inside of them, causing his eyes to grow glossy.

"Zero." She called, her voice stern and deeper. "Tell me what this means, now."

"I..." He shifted in his stands, being sure to avoid any eye contact with his crush, "She.. Y/N... I- I.. I hurt her..."

Y/N didn't even know what to feel because she didn't know Jane personally so she didn't really care, but she was confused because they were friends. "Huh? Why..?"

"She... She tried to rape me.. a-and...!" His nose sniffled as he remembered how her hand felt on his mouth. "My.. anger took over me.. th-then I... I guess I almost killed her... Y/N.. please don't hate me!"

"Why would I hate you? If what you're telling me is true then you have nothing to be afraid of. She tried to hurt you and you were only defending yourself."

Zero's heart fluttered as he smooth words came from her lips. He thought she was just the perfect girl anyone could as for.

Y/N looked down at Zero with a smirk. She already knew what he was thinking about her, and she loved that. But it was also common sense. "I just wished you would've did a better job."

Zeros chuckled at her words as a tear came from his eyes, "I was going to.."

Putting her hand up to Zero's flushed cheek, Y/N cupped the side of his face and pushed her thumb against his tear before she swiped it off of his skin.

"You're too pretty to be crying. Stop that, okay?" She watched as the blonde nodded, "And... I'll make sure she doesn't try anything, alright...?"

"But- h-how...?"

"My father."

Zero tensed up but nodded his head at the mention of Y/Ns father. He'd never even met him, but he was still intimidated by him because of his power.

"Good. Now go finish getting your snacks." Zero was about to turn on his heel before he felt himself being pulled back by the female.

She leaned her face down to his and gently pushed her lips against the tip of his nose before pulling away with a smirk. "Precious boy."

That was enough to pushed Zero over the edge, and by the time his back was turned to his bully, he was already cheesing to himself at the thought of her.

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