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Once the blonde heard three clear knocks coming from his door, he didn't waste another second to sprint down to his door. He rushed up to his door and slammed his hand against the doors knob before he twisted it pulled it back. His eyes lit up at the sight of the H/C haired female standing right in front of him.

Zero tried to hold himself back, but he just couldn't. He forced his arms out and tackled the girl into a hug, causing her to stumble back a little.

"Oh! Zero... Hi..." She mumbled, still not getting used to his affection even though they used to be the opposite.

Stuffing his face into the girls shirt, Zero already felt happy tears seeping out of his blue eyes, "Y/N! Y/N!! YOU CAME!"

Y/N smiled to herself, glad that the blonde couldn't see her, before she pushed her hand up to the top of his head. "Yes. That's what you wanted, right?"

"Mhmm!!" He nodded his head against her shirt, his cheeks already turning red and his heart already pumping in his chest.

After a few minutes of standing there, just holding on another, Y/N began to feel uncomfortable. The man wasn't even saying any words.

Y/N decided to say something since the quietness wasn't something she really liked. The whole vibe felt eerie and she wanted to know what was wrong. "Is your dad here...?"

"No..." The boy whispered as he slowly pulled his body off of Y/Ns while he looked up at her with shining eyes, "Y/N..."

Bitting on her bottom lip as her hand went up and down against Zero's neck, she then tilted her head, "What is it baby....?"

"Can you..." He blinked profusely and gave her an innocent look. But little did she know. "Can you... Kiss me Y/N..?"

"Why do you ask?" Y/N laughed, her petting of the mans hair coming to a stop.

Zero knew exactly why he was asking her to kiss him. He thought that once he revealed the fact and proof that he'd just killed Jane, she wouldn't want anything to do with him. He wanted to feel and savior the last kiss she'd ever give him.

He just gently closed his eyes with a long and quivery sigh that came out of his mouth, "I just miss your kisses..."

"You miss my kisses?" She leaned her face over to the blondes with a hum, "I gave you plenty not too long ago, baby... Do you really love me that much...?"

"YES! Y/N I LOVE YOU!! I LOVE YOU!" The female jumped back at the sudden noise that erupted from the blonde, and she awkwardly laughed at his words.

"Okay, Jesus.. I get it." She grinned, taking more steps over to the male that just stood in the doorway, waiting for his kiss.

Scrunching up his nose while he waited for whatever the woman was about to do to him, he perked his lips out with cheeks that were getting even more redder.

Y/N sighed and looked away from the man for a split second and just decided that she'd give the boy his kiss and figure out whatever it was that happened.

The woman cupped Zero's cheeks, loving how he immediately relaxed her hold. She then turned her head to the side a bit and gently pushed her lips right on top of Zero's.

She stood there just like that, and it wasn't too long until she felt the boy already beginning to kiss her.

When the female pulled away from the kiss, he looked up at her a sent her a disappointed pout, "Can I have more?! Like, can you kiss my nose like you always do?!!"

Y/N wasn't expecting the boys tone to be demanding, but since it seemed like he just went through something and since she didn't think it was that serious, she just shrugged it off and pushed her lips up to his nose.

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