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When school was back for the blonde man and the H/C haired woman, they both got really bad feelings in their stomach about going, but they knew that if they didn't go, they'd be even more suspicious once the people around them noticed that Jane wasn't coming into school anymore, and they didn't want that at all.

Once it was time for lunch, Zero was so excited to see the woman, but his excitement faded when he didn't see the girl by his classroom door. It felt like a part of him went missing for a split second.

He mumbled something to himself as he pushed his slender fingers through his pocket and slipped his phone out of it with his smile returning to his lips.

Slightly crouching over to get a better look at the screen in front of him, the blonde then opened his phone and scrolled over to the females contacts.

Zero didn't even bother leaving a text, the first thing he did was press on the little phone icon before he put his device up to his ear with his right leg bouncing up and down.

After a minute of waiting on the woman to finally pick up his call, he piped up with a pout on his lips once the sound of Y/Ns voice made contact with his ears. "Hello?"

"Where are you..?" He mumbled with a slightly aggressive tone, causing the female to raise an eyebrow at his voice.

"I'm busy... I'm.. not going to be able to get you for lunch today," she sighed, crossing her arms with her own phone still up to her ear.

Zero shifted in his stance while his stomach turned at the thought of Y/N not being with him at the moment, "What...? Why? W-What are you doing right now? Where are you...??"

"I told you Zero.. I'm busy." She heard the sound of Zero wincing on the other side of the phone and she rolled her eyes. "Fine.. we both know the lunch food isn't that great so I'll give you a little money so you can grab something good to eat, alri-"

"No!! I don't want your money... I want you.. I want you to be here with me, now!"

Now those words really caught Y/N off guard because she didn't think Zero would end up being this clingy in the end, but there they were. "But I just told you that I'm busy, so you're gonna have to-"

"Then just.. just let me come with you to wherever you're going-" he cut her off with a sick desperation clear in his soft voice.

The woman clicked her tongue with yet another eye roll, "No. I'm not gonna be in school, Zero. I'm hanging out with some friends."

Zero tilted his head up at the ceiling to try and stop himself from crying while his foot bounced against the floor at an ever faster pace. "Please..!! I want to be with you right now... I.. I want to feel you! I want you to kiss me...!!"

"No, Zero. I already told you no. Why can't you get that through your fucking skull?"

A shaky hand raised up to Zero's face before he gently placed it on top of his forehead and let it drag down against his entire face, "Y/N, stop being mean...!! Just listen to me! I won't talk! I won't-"

"You're still talking to that weirdo?" A masculine voice that didn't go unheard by the blue eyed teen questioned out loud with laughter following behind.

Zero felt his whole body stop moving and he felt a hard lump in his throat growing as if it was keeping him from saying any other words. His stomach turned and twisted while his eyes went dark and his hands started to shake even more. He didn't like the fact that Y/N was with another man at all. It felt like she was ditching him for the other guy.

Now there was already a single tear streaming down the blondes eye, and he hated that. He hated what she did to him. "Y/N... Who.. who was that...?"

"It's just Nick.. remember him?" She chuckled, "There's nothing to worry about, alright? You know we're just good friends."

Zero wasn't buying it even though he wanted to tell himself to trust the woman, "Where are you guys? Is there anybody else there with you?"

"Yeah, just Castiel...." It went quiet for a minute that felt like hours until the female then thought to speak out once more. "Why are you asking me so many questions Zero?"

Noticing that the girl didn't acknowledge his first question, Zero then decided to ask it again, "Where are you guys Y/N?"

"We're..." She stopped herself from giving the blonde an actual reply, "Look, I can tell that something is up with you, so I'll be right there to give you the money."

"Y/N..!! I don't want-"

"I'll be there in a few, baby. Don't spend it all at once!"

And with that, the teen on the other side of the phone cut off her phone and prepared herself to meet up with the blonde that now had his phone squeezed tight in the palm of his hand.

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