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Y/n was so traumatized by the scene she had to see that she could barely make any movements. They'd already done everything and the sun was beginning to rise, so they both went back to the woman's house before they would be seen by anybody that was around. Her heart hurt just at the thought of the other man, but she shut those feelings down immediately since she felt so guilty about his death that happened right in front of her now dull E/C eyes.

She was currently laid down on her bed while Zero just stared all around at the stuff in her room being his chirpy self while she was miserable with a feeling of no safety in her boys due to the blonde not too far from her.

There was a tear that fell down her nose while she only gripped onto her balled up sheets that laid in her arms as she kept no emotion displayed on her face. There was a voice chanting it was all her fault in the back of her head and she didn't seem to know how to get it away so she just let it replay in her mind with nothing else to say.

"Thanks for buying me these clothes by the way!!" Zero turned back around with a large smile that slowly disappeared once he saw the females back facing him. It was clear that she was going through something, but Zero didn't care. He still wanted to be there for her which was his problem.

"Y/N... are you still sad...?" He whined out as he began to stride towards the woman that only shut her eyes so that he wouldn't notice the emotion that filled her glimmering E/C eyes.

Sniffling at the sound of the blondes voice, she then shook her head from side to side with a lump obvious in her throat, "Huh... n-no.. I was just.. tried, yeah... I think I'm gonna go to sleep, Zero..."

"Ahhh! I love the way you say my name!" He chuckled out with red cheeks as he only plopped himself on the side of her, the bed slightly bouncing up and down just by that action from the blue eyed teen.

The teen then gulped and fluttered her eyes open at the feeling of Zero scooting his entire body closed to hers. She hoped that he would get the hint and just leave her house at that point, but no, "Oh..."

"Oh? Jeez, Y/N..! I didn't think you'd be this boring now because if I did I would've never killed him for you..!!" Zero joked, unaware of the pulling on the pang in the females heart.

She wasn't expecting that from the blue eyed man at all, and she didn't enjoy that joke at all since they'd only just buried the resting man, but all she could do was but on her bottom lip to stop all of the salty tears from flowing down her cheeks. She only stayed silent with her heart sinking in her body.

Pursing his lips at the silence, Zero then pushed his upper body up before he snapped his face back to Y/Ns, upset at the way she didn't say anything to him at all. She was so much different and he wondered why as if he didn't just murder someone in front of her.

"Y/N... Can you talk to me like a normal person or something..?" It was like they had just swapped confidence levels with the way he was so loud and comfortable with the woman that quietly laid on her side, trying to stop her body from shutting down.

"I can only try..." her voice was raspy and more low than usual, and that caused Zeros frown to grow a little, his stomach buzzing more than all of the other parts of his body as he did so. He hoped that he wasn't the reason why she was all depressed now.

Zero pushed some of his blonde hair behind his ear with his eyes only getting lower at the state of the love of his life, "Okay, well... can you tell me how you're feeling..?"

"Not good." She responded quietly, hating how casual the boy talked to her as if he didn't just steal an innocent persons past, life, and future all at the same time. Right in front of her eyes.

The boy hummed at her words before he then piped up, an idea planted inside of his sick mind, "Do you need hugs...?"

"Wait-" before she could even say anything, Zeros body collided with hers and he was already smooshing the side of his face up with hers as he crawled on top of her with genuine happiness at the thought of Yukon never being able to steal her attention from him again.

"Aaaahh!" The male giggled as he pushed his face back to inspect the woman's features, his heart fluttering and his eyes seeming more innocent than ever, "I love touching you!"

Y/N would've found this action cute a while ago, but since her mind was flooded with their activities from not too long ago, she was disgusted, shocked, hurt, and she even felt so betrayed. If Zero loved her so much then she wondered why he would put her through all of this.

"Zero... you can't just... jump on me.." she murmured, still afraid of the blonde that leaned his body over hers so that he was now straddling her.

"But I just did!"

The only thing she did was roll her eyes and turn her face back to the side, the sadness turning more and more into anger with every second she spent with the unbearable boy.

After there was nothing but silence once again, Zero pressed his hips down against Y/Ns, the look in his face switching from the corner of her eyes, "I have a question..."

Eyeing down his new weird behavior, the female balled her hands up into fists in case he wanted to try something with her, "What is it...?"

"Would you ever fuck me again..?" His tone was more nerdy than usual and his eyes looked hungry for her, and Y/N hated that because of what had just happened.

Mouth dropping open and eyebrows knitting inwards, the girl felt so hurt and all she wanted to do was avenge Yujin just by the man's words. She grew furious by what he had said and she felt like her ears had heat coming out of them because of how mad she was. "Excuse me..?!!"

"I want you to fuck me... I want you to fuck me right now..." he whimpered out as he leaned his face even closer to hers, watching as she backed hers away with a clenched jaw, "It'll be our little celebration...!"

Eyes shooting open at the last word uttered by the man, that's when she pushed her body up in shock, and just as she was about to scream into Zeros face, she heard her doorknob rumbling, resulting in both her and the man on top of her to whip their heads at the door.

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