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Barry barged in Tanny Hill like he owned the place, technically he's been here more often than the owner himself for the past three months. He was pissed, he called that stupid Kook over 20 times in a day with no response. "Country Club!!", his scream echoed in the empty place. He grunted, annoyed by the situation. Where was that prick?

He suddenly heard footsteps from the top of the stairs and seconds later, Sarah Cameron emerged from the staircase. "He's not here.", "Then where is he?" The girl raised her shoulders to express the fact she didn't know for sure. "I've been looking everywhere, I need to see him now. Help me out here." Sarah rolled her eyes, going to the kitchen. "Why should I help you? You technically turned my so called brother into a crack head." Barry smiled ironically, "He did that on his own. Believe me." Sarah sighed. "When was the last time you saw him?"

Barry had a hard time to remember, "It was the last time he threw a party here. Like four days ago." He was too high and drunk to remember clearly. "Country Club had that phone call, he came back as white as a sheet and he left." Sarah sighed while putting clothes and food in a backpack. "You're gonna tell me where he is or what?"

Hours later, Barry was standing in front of an old house in the Cut, Sarah's note with the address in hand. "What the fuck is this place?", he recognized Rafe's car in the drive way and sighed. He knocked hurriedly and waited for a moment. He knocked again more violently. That's when the door opened. "Who the fuck are you and why are you hammering my door?", Barry was now facing a girl maybe 5 years younger than him. She was weariing a simple white dress, her blond hair dropping way down the end of her back. She was small and kind of cute now that he was thinking about it. "Are you gonna answer me or what?", Barry was still choked. She seems to be looking at nothing, her eyes were somehow blurry.

"There's no one there, is it?", she sighed while closing the door. Barry stopped her. "No, I'm here. I'm looking for Rafe Cameron.", she froze searching for his face and once again facing nothing. 'She's fucking blind.' "I don't know any Cameron.", Barry chuckled and saw the young girl frowning. "His car is in the drive way.", she cursed under her breath before sighing loudly. "Who's asking?", "A friend." She opened the door for him to get in and started to walk away. "Rafe!! Someone's here for you."

Barry followed her, amazed that she wasn't walking into any furniture or walls and waited in the kitchen as she served herself a coffee. Quickly after, Rafe walked in, topless with bed hair. His eyes widened when he saw Barry, that offered him a smirk. "Who's your friend?", Rafe panicked, signing at Barry to shut it. "It's-It's Topper.", Barry frowned. The girl sat right by his side, "Your voice changed, it use to be more annoying."

For the following five minutes, Rafe was awkwardly trying to get Barry out of the house while the girl, that Barry knew as Y/N now, was asking about his life. The problem was that he had to act like Topper, someone he didn't really like or knew. After a minute or two, Rafe successfully find an excuse for Barry to leave. Barry stood up but before he could walk away, Y/N caught his hand. She slowly approach her face from his shirt and Rafe aggressively pulled on his arm to get him away. "Rafe. You're not lying to me, are you?", Barry had enough. He was about to talk when Y/N cut him out. "You don't smell like Topper, you smell like weed, sweat and motor oil. Who are you?"

There was a awkward silence. Rafe had his face in his hand and Barry was in the middle, like an idiot. "I'm Barry." The girl put her coffee down and turned to him. "Barry as Rafe's drug dealer?", Rafe pushed Barry back. "Don't be rude Y/N, he's leaving.", "Calm down, it's not like I can punch him."

Now Barry was just awkwardly sat in front of the girl while Rafe was changing. She was silently drinking her coffee, for some reason, looking right at him. How so? He didn't know. "Once you are out of here. Don't come back. Not that I don't like you, I just prefer you in your damn trailer.", Barry was getting more and more uncomfortable. Not that some empty threat from a 18 years old blind girl was really scaring him. But he was surprised by her personality. "You heard me?", Barry grunted. "How much money did you make on Rafe back?", Barry didn't like how the conversation was going, he was starting to pray for that Kook to come back. "How is it your business?", "Just answer the question while I'm still being polite.", Barry frowned deciding to ignore her. He quickly felt a deep pain in his right leg. "I made a lot, I don't fucking remember." She nodded, taking a sip from her coffee. "How many times a week would he come to you for a fix and how much would you give him?"

That's exactly when Rafe walked in, out of breath like he was doing his best to hurry up. "I guess that's goodbyes.", Barry smiled awkwardly walking towards the front door. Rafe opened it hurriedly, letting Barry out. Before he left, he kissed Y/N forehead, a gestured that really surprised Barry. They got in the car in perfect silence.

"You tell anyone about this, I slit your throat.", Barry gulped, first time Rafe's threat ever got to him. "Why would I talk about this crazy bitch to anyone? She's jus a girl th-", he was cut off by a hard hand around his neck, struggling him strongly. "You don't talk about her like that. She's much more than any girl.", Rafe loosened his grip, looking dead serious at Barry. "Chill out, no need to creep out Country Club".

Rafe finally let go, "She's more precious to me than all the coke and gold reunited."

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