Chapter 4 - Family Life

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Saturday in the Abernathy household was very subdued. Greg went to services at the synagogue by himself in the morning and after lunch he and Susan planned to go on their own to see Richard, Marion and their twins at the hospital.

"They're going home tomorrow, right?" Zackary asked as they prepared to leave.

"I think so, why?" Susan asked.

"Well maybe if you visit them tomorrow at their house, we could take Matt to the beach," Zackary suggested.

"I don't think they'll be up to visitors tomorrow, but soon I'm sure they will be," Greg said, "and that will be a perfect plan - just probably not this weekend."

"Oh okay," Zackary said looking disappointed.

"I'll be here all summer, Zack," Matt reminded him. "We'll have time to do that."

"Yeah I know, but it's so cool when Richard comes down on the beach with us," Zack said. "He's really good at making these sculpture things out of sand."

"He does have a particular talent for it," Greg agreed. "And I predict by one week from now, he'll be ready for a break on the beach, but not just yet."

"So you'll be okay by yourself?" Susan checked watching her disappointed son.

"I suppose."

"We'll be fine, Mom. Maybe if it's okay, Zack, Jessie and I can ride our bikes over to Malibu State park and look around there. Dave was telling me about it. It sounds really cool," Matthew said.

"You can go, if you go in the back way, away from the highway. Jessie's too little to ride on such a busy road," Susan cautioned.

"I don't know for sure that we are going," Matt said. "Just maybe."

"If you do decide to go, take your cell phone with you and let me know. And be very careful of Jessie," Susan repeated. "She can't ride as fast as you."

"Okay Mom, we will. We'll watch out for her," Matt assured her.

"They'll be fine, Susan. Come on, let's go or we'll miss visiting hours completely," Greg said.

"Oh, all right," Susan agreed and they left the kids on their own.


Marion and Richard were glad to see Greg and Susan when they arrived. Living at the hospital was very boring and they were really looking forward to going home the next morning.

"I can't wait to sleep in my own bed," Marion commented to Susan as they talked.

"I completely understand," Susan assured her. "How are you doing taking care of the twins on your own though?"

At the moment only Charlie was with her in the room while Richard was in the nursery with Melissa giving her water again.

"Mostly we're okay. I'm getting around a little better now. At least I can get to the bathroom on my own," Marion shared. "And I've been able to take care of Charlie."

"But not Melissa?" Susan asked curiously.

"To be honest, she hasn't been with us that much except when they bring her to eat. They're still keeping her under the UV lights as much as possible," Marion said.

"Do they think she'll be ready to go home tomorrow?" Susan asked in concern.

"I don't know," Marion said quietly. "Charlie will. He's gained back what he lost and started gaining. But Melissa has lost so much. They think a lot of it was water, which is why Richard keeps trying to give her extra. She has gained it back, or had as of this morning, but she's still not over her birth weight like she should be. I'm not sure they'll let her go until she is."

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