Chapter 56 - In-Laws

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Monday morning came, and even though Susan was continuing to work during the week ahead and wouldn't start her vacation leave for five more days, she arranged her hours so that she was only working in her office when Greg was away. That meant he rarely saw her doing it when he was home, giving the illusion she was on leave and resting a lot more.

Monday was completely unremarkable for exactly that reason. Tuesday started out that way, but by the time Greg arrived home after work on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy had arrived and everything changed.

"Welcome home, Greg." It was Mrs. Abernathy who met him at the door.

"Hello," Greg said with a surprised expression on his face, "but isn't that what I should be saying to you? Welcome to my home?"

Mrs. Abernathy laughed. "Susan predicted you would say that. She's in the kitchen. The children are doing their homework, and I volunteered to be the welcoming committee for today."

"Thank you," Greg said as he handed her his jacket to hang up in the closet.

"Hello," Susan said as Greg came into the kitchen.

"Hello," Greg said as he came to kiss her cheek while she was cooking. "I see your mother got here."

"Yes, she did," Susan agreed. "Dad came with her, but he's going home tomorrow. We're supposed to let him know when the rest of the furniture for their rooms gets here."

Greg arched his brow. "Does he intend to stay for an extended visit too?"

"I think he may, since it's the holidays and the children will all be here. Mom suggested we invite Stephen's kids to come stay for a week during their holiday break from school. Dad can bring them, and we certainly have the room," Susan explained. "I think it's a good idea, but I thought I should check with you before extending the invitation."

"I think that sounds like a good idea. Jessie, Zackary and Matthew would love it, I expect. And with the extra adults around to help, it might be good for you to be surrounded by your family," Greg said.

Susan smiled. "I'm glad you think so. I'll call Jenny and Stephen about it this evening and ask them."

"Do we know yet when Matthew is getting here?"

"I expect him Monday afternoon at the earliest. He has finals this week, and he needs to finish packing his things on Saturday before they leave on Sunday. It will take them two days just to drive down," Susan shared.

"Michael's bringing him?" Greg questioned.

"That's the plan, unless something changes. Of course if Michael changes his mind, he'll still have to ship anything that doesn't fit into his suitcase or they won't let him bring on the plane, so again that means he won't be here until Monday, either way," Susan shared. "I'll invite everyone to come for Christmas Eve, then offer to keep the kids through New Year's."

"Keep them through New Year's Day and we can invite Julie's family to join us for New Year's Eve. We'll make a party out of it," Greg suggested.

Susan grinned. "I think that is a very good idea."

The pair continued to talk until Mrs. Abernathy rejoined Susan in the kitchen.

"He likes our idea, Mom," Susan announced. "Greg even suggested we invite Julie and her family to join us for New Year's Eve and to stay over. We'll make a party out of it for the kids."

Mrs. Abernathy frowned. "Susan, isn't New Year's Day your anniversary?"

"It is," Susan agreed. "So maybe you and Dad could babysit the following evening so we could go out?"

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