Chapter 64 - An Experiment and a Party

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"Your pressures are looking good," Greg commented as he took Susan's blood pressure again early on Monday morning as they started their day. "They've stayed nice and low, every time we've checked. I hope I'm doing this right."

"I'm sure you are, but maybe you can ask the nurse about it at my appointment this week if you have any doubts," Susan suggested.

"That's on Friday, isn't it?" Greg checked as he put the equipment away.

"Yes, and New Year Day is on Wednesday. Are you taking any time off this week apart from the actual holiday?" Susan asked.

"I'm taking Friday morning off for your appointment, and I'll be home early on Tuesday to help you prepare for company that evening, so the only full days I'm working are today and Thursday," he answered. "What about you? Are you working this week?"

Susan shook her head with a smile. "I've got the whole week off. But since you have to work, we'd better make sure you're not late today."

Greg smiled too. "Thank you. I appreciate that," he told her sincerely.

And Susan immediately went to the kitchen to make him breakfast while Greg got ready to leave.


"What are we doing today, Susan?" Mrs. Abernathy asked her daughter when she joined her for breakfast an hour later.

"Making sure our two guest rooms are ready for Julie and her family, deciding what to serve for New Year's Eve, and keeping the kids entertained," Susan said with an entirely straight face. "Aside from that, not much."

Mrs. Abernathy gave her a tolerant smile. "That sounds like plenty," she assured her. "Have you given any thought as to when you'd like to start shopping for baby furniture?"

"Not until after the new year," Susan said firmly. "I'm not due until March. This is only December."

"True, however you're just about to pass your thirty week mark. As I recall, you weren't allowed to go out much beyond that with Zackary," Mrs. Abernathy reminded her.

Susan frowned slightly. "Yes, but I'm fine Mom. My blood pressures have been perfectly normal. I only had that one little spike in baking day, and I've been taking it easy since then, staying off my feet more, that sort of thing."

"I know, Susan. But we do have time today, and I was thinking, it wouldn't hurt for you to have some idea what you'd like for the baby's room. Have you given it any thought at all?" her mother asked.

"Some. I know the basic pieces I'd like and the style I want," Susan told her.

"Then let's go look. There's a nice little baby furniture shop across the street from Target. We could go there," Mrs. Abernathy suggested.

"Or, there's a really big one in the valley beside the furniture store where we bought Jessie and Zack's furnishings. I was thinking of going there." Susan sighed. "Okay, let me get dressed. We can at least go look. Do you think Dad will be okay looking after all six kids?"

"I'm sure he will, as long as we don't leave them too long. And I'm sure Matthew will help," Mrs. Abernathy said.

"Normally, I'm sure he would, but with Zack and Chris both here, Matt's just one of the kids," Susan reminded her.

"Yes, well I'll go talk to him. You go get ready," Mrs. Abernathy urged.

They finished their coffee, put their breakfast things away, and went to get ready for their day. Susan went to shower and dress while Mrs. Abernathy went to speak to her husband.

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