Chapter 39 -Chinese Food Of Course

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"Hi Mom." Zackary gave the usual greeting as he trotted to the car following soccer practice that afternoon. "Everyone came?" he said in surprise when he realized Greg and Jessie were in the car too.

"We thought we'd pick up dinner while we're out," Susan explained.

"Cool. What are we having?" Zackary asked without thinking.

"Well, this is moving day, so we're having ..."

"...Chinese, of course!" Zackary said cutting her off. "Are we taking it to the new house?"

"Yes," Greg said. "We have a lot to do there, so we thought that would be best."

"Okay. Mom, did they pack my halloween costume for tomorrow?" Zackary asked.

"Didn't you pack that yourself?" Susan asked.

"I forgot," Zackary said.

"Then they probably did. I'm sure it's in one of the boxes, somewhere. You can look for it when we get there," Susan said.

"So what should we get?" Greg asked as they pulled in front of their favorite Chinese restaurant.

"How about if everyone picks their favorite two things, plus we'll get a large container of rice. That way we'll have enough for leftovers," Susan suggested. "We can have the rest before Trick-or-Treating tomorrow night."

After some discussion of which dish was each person's favorite, the order was placed. Twenty minutes later, with enough food to feed the family for two days, they were on their way home.

"It seems weird not to be going back to the farmhouse to eat," Zackary commented when Greg drove past their old street.

"We will eat there tomorrow," Susan said. "I'm spending the day cleaning, and you can go Trick-or-Treating from there, before we turn over the key."

"I thought we moved all the furniture today," Zackary commented.

"Everything except the card table and folding chairs," Susan explained. "I'll need that tomorrow."

They pulled up in front of the new house, and with everyone's arms loaded with the Chinese food and Zackary's school things, they went inside.


Zackary stood in the living room of the new house looking for things that were different. Aside from the rug that now lay slightly off center in the room near the window, it didn't look really look like anyone might have moved in.

"Go look in your room," Susan encouraged as she correctly read his reaction from his expression.

Zackary nodded, going to the room they'd long ago decided would be his.

"Boxes," was the only comment he made.

"I think we'll be dealing with the boxes for weeks," Susan told him. "Come eat. We'll look for your halloween costume afterwards."

The kitchen was unudated with more boxes, many of which they needed to move off the table so they could use it. Susan searched through some to find them plates, and then through a few more to find their flatware. Eventually they'd found and unwrapped enough things to allow them to eat.

"Somehow this looked better when they were still working on it," Zackary commented as he regarded the clutter everywhere.

"We're still in the early stages of moving in, Zack," Susan said. "It will get better."

Zackary nodded as he dished himself out food from the cartons set on the table. Greg glanced at Susan, wondering at his step-son's lack of enthusiaum, but Susan just shook her head slightly.

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