Corrupted Perfection

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In this timeline, Kiyotaka will have fallen to the White room's insanity and lost his grip on his sanity at the age of 14 after purposely killing one of his instructors.

After the researchers saw their Masterpiece completely break down in front of them, he was expelled and taken into a White room funded mental hospital. More than a year has passed since that incident, and he's been released after tricking everyone in the facility into thinking he's been "Fixed."

His father having no time to raise a child or trust his workers or butlers around his "Fixed" Masterpiece, was offered by his old friend to enroll Kiyotaka into ANHS. His father seeing this opportunity to show off his greatest creation and not have to babysit instantly accepts his friend's proposal.

Unfortunately, nobody realized that the Broken Masterpiece planned all of this in order to be granted his own personal sandbox.


First day of school. Would you believe me that I've never gone to school before? Probably, I'm talking to myself, so of course, I would believe myself. Anyways, such an occasion must elicit some powerful emotions inside me, right?

So then, why do I still feel so empty?

I was currently standing in front of my new school's gates while ignoring the annoying black-haired girl, who was screaming her lungs out behind me so I would give her attention.

Black-haired-beauty: HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU!

Just as she was about to grab my shoulder, I slapped away her stretched-out hand and gave her a side glance.

Kiyotaka: Don't touch me.

I give her a psychotic glare with my cold voice, which makes her back down before freezing in her spot with a face of horror.

Yes! Perfect! That's exactly what I wanted to see!

Her clear distress filled that empty void in my heart again. This Brightened up my mood immediately. I started unconsciously smiling while humming to myself during my walk to the entrance ceremony.


After reaching my new classroom for the next three years, I took in a deep breath before opening the classroom door with a loud thud.

Kiyotaka: Gooood morning Class D!

I scream out loud with a pompous pose in the doorframe. This caught the attention of everyone in the class.

Green-hair-handsome-boy: Uh, good morning to you as well, um...

Kiyotaka: Kiyotaka, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka!

Green-hair-handsome-boy: It's nice to meet you, Ayanokoji-kun. My new is Hirata Yousuke, but you can just call me Yousuke.

Hirata extended his hand for a handshake which I accepted wholeheartedly with twinkles in my eyes.

Such genuine kindness... human emotions are so interesting...

Kiyotaka: Then please call me Kiyotaka!

Yousuke proceeded to introduce me to his current friend group until the fake beige-haired girl approached us.

Beige-girl: Hello! Hirata-kun, can you introduce me-

Kiyotaka: Boooring, I'm not interested in fake people. Let's continue where we left off, guys!

I completely ignored her, which surprised everyone in the group due to my sudden disrespectful attitude.

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