Reaction : Twisted Obsession I

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- no context reactions. No prolgue, no nonsense, straight to the fun stuff.

- characters are all going to be from whatever volume I decide.

- there will be no progression and connection between reactions unless I, again, specifically clarify so at the beginning of the chapter.

- this is pure reaction slop so don't expect anything mind blowing.

- no haha quirky funny god, stuff just gets explained through magic bullshit. Deal with it.

- characters sit whenever where ever and hear only whatever I want them to.


Timeline: After Year 1 Volume 11 (Canon)

Everyone took in the details explained to them after their arrival.

Suzune: An alternate universe where Kushida is the main change...

Kushida: I hope I'm not that different in this universe~! | This alternate version of me better not ruin my image...

Class D discussed amongst themselves.

Ike: A different Kikyo-chan? I doubt she's as great as ours!

Kiyotaka: I hope this doesn't involve me...


Kiyotaka's Point Of View

I reached my desk and sat down to wait for morning classes to begin like usual.

Kiyotaka: Good morning, Horikita.

I greeted my neighbor, who just glanced at me for a split second before turning her full attention back to her book.

Cold as ever... why am I surrounded by so many selfish girls...

I sighed at her behavior before turning my head to my window to gaze at the fresh and beautiful morning view.


Kiyotaka: Curse my karma...

Kei: We're gonna be watching from this guys point of view? How boring... | I can already smell trouble from miles away...

Haruka: Kiyopon's going to the main character, it seems.

Shinohara: Kei-chan's right. This going to suck.

Arisu: I wonder how you'll deal with this "alternate" enemy...

She giggled, gaining the attention of her pawns.

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