Twisted Obsession III

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's Point Of View

I leaned on my balcony, admiring the beautiful snowy scenery with a warm mug of coco in my hand.

Let's see what kind of excuse I can come up to be able to convince myself to go down there and play around in the snow...

People commonly associate winter with the end of a chapter in their life. After all, it's supposed to represent that we're nearing the end of the year.

As for me, as someone who's experienced this time of the year and soon to be Christmas for the first time, it feels like just a break.

I sighed.

Going back to continue the school year after Christmas... feels odd... ending it on Christmas and starting the next during January... sounds much better... in my opinion at least...

The contracting coldness of the atmosphere and the warm feeling in my hand from holding my mug reminded me of something.

'That' man's words lingered in my thoughts for a short while.

"You aren't capable of making friends."...

He wasn't wrong, honestly. At the moment, I don't really care about anyone enough to consider them a friend. Even the Ayanokoji Group, for now, at least. Well, I hope so.

There might be an exception-

While taking a sip of my hot coco, a certain beigh-haired beauty invited herself into my room without permission.

I could hear my front door opening from behind me.

Before I decided to deal with her, she hugged me from behind and buried her face into my back. Her strong perfume hitting me like a truck made out of roses.

Kikyo: Mmmhh~ Good morning, Kiyo~poo~!

Kikyo quite enjoyed the childish name the Ayanokoji Group adopted me with, which made her come up with a name to, in her words, "one up" them with.

She continued to nuzzle my back while squeezing me with her arms around me, not minding my ignorance.

Kiyotaka: You seem to be late today, Kikyo. Is there a reason for that?

I questioned her.

Usually, she'd invite herself into my room right as the clock strikes midnight during weekends. She'd immediately climb into my sheets and embrace me with all four of her limbs like a koala until the morning.

But today, she came around much later. More than 8 hours later as it was 8:03 AM at the moment.

There must be a reason... but I don't think I'll need to worry about it if it's Kikyo... hmm... do I trust her or know her too well...?

Kikyo: Oh, nothing... I just had a small chat with the 'girls', that's all.

Kiyotaka: I see. So, where are we going today?

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