One Man Army II

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Third Person Point Of View

A boy with a sweet face covering sinister intentions met up with another boy with a tall muscular built, barely resembling one of a teenager anymore.

They met up in a quiet cafe, one rarely visited by second or third year's.

"So, Devil-boy. What do YOU owe me the pleasure of meeting together today?" The boy who's a direct descendant of a family of famous scholars asked with his usually very arrogant tone.

The devilish boy gave his guest a friendly smile, hiding away his frustration for being called by such an honest nickname.

"This bastard better not call me that in front of others..." Yagami Takuya, our sweet faced devil thought.

"I'm here to ask for your cooperation with a future... ambush on a certain target. Of course, you're not obligated to help, I'm merely asking." Yagami answered, still keeping up his friendly act.

Koenji Rokusuke, the eccentric guest, was well aware of the true nature of this get-together yet still wanted to hear the full truth.

"Ha-ha-ha! You need my help just to take down a mere bellboy? Oh please, that dual natured boy had already left my radar months ago." Koenji mocked Yagami's intentions to form an alliance with another mighty student to take down his sworn enemy, laughing in his face.

"Besides, even if I'm willing to waste my precious energy on taking down that boy, why would I? I gain nothing from crippling this free ticket into Class A, do I? I don't even have to do anything. My existence alone is already worthy of being carried up to my desired Class, Ha-ha-ha!" Koenji pulled out his mirror to fix his already pristine hair, showing no interest in the conversation that will continue after this.

The friendly expression on Yagami's face turned into a frown and a glare, slightly upset with hearing such an answer.

"Don't you hear yourself, Koenji-senpai? I'm sure someone as perceptive and smart as you has already figured out the full extend of what Ayanokoji-senpai has been doing in the background. Deals with class leaders, secret battles that risk class points, targeting classmates. Aren't you afraid of what he'll do next? What if he switches classes?" He tried manipulating Koenji into doubting his 'ticket to Class A'.

Rumors spread around, and for someone as intune with all social aspects, hearing and confirming them is simple as cleaning the dishes to Yagami.

A hostile glint was sent towards Yagami from Koenji's mirror, catching him slightly off guard.

"Listen here, Devil-boy. I don't mind hearing you out, even going out of my way to waste my very important time on this meeting. But trying to manipulate me is something I will not forgive so easily. I am sure that there is no need to worry about my ticket." Koenji was agitated by Yagami's attempt at controlling him, dropping his confident smirk.

Despite this sudden switch in attitudes, Yagami wasn't impressed. This boy had experienced much worse in the past.

Yagami relented, understanding that there is no point in trying to deceive someone who's always aware of your intentions.

"I apologise, senpai. My intentions weren't to offend you." The devil with an angels face sincerely apologised to his senior. -Is what it appears.

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