Chapter 17 : Rushed

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It's been a couple of days since me and Carlos were official. It all feels rushed. The whole thing was so stupid! I don't even fucking know him and i'm his girlfriend? I'm so stupid. Its just so frustrating. Sure the date was nice and cute, but that doesn't mean you get together because of it. I barely know him. Maybe it was just a small crush, and I didn't actually like him. I would've known if I didn't say yes and spent more time. Now the position I'm in is quite awkward.

"Cami hurry up we're going to be late!"
i heard Gabi screeching.

i was getting ready at her house, there was another hockey game tonight. And i was going for Liam, and i guess Carlos.


"Right let's go!"

We got into the car, then Gabi started playing music.

"Gabs can i vent to you."

She said while picking a song.

"Ok it's about Carlos."

"What about him?"

"I regret everything with him."

"Oh how so?"

"It all felt rushed, we go out for a day just because he feels like it and get together?"

"Yeah but.."

"And even before the date we never talked."

"You have a point Cam it is weird. Maybe he loves you so much he had to ask you out."


We arrived at the hockey game. Sadly.

"Hey Cami" Carlos said aiming to kiss me on the lips but I quickly move making him kiss my cheek. I guess a good thing is since we started dating he's called me cami or cam. I guess that's development?
He looked a bit confused when i dodged his kiss, sucks to be him.

"Heyy.." i said awkwardly.

"Where's Liam?" Gabi said over my shoulder

"With Coach."

"Oh i see Daisy." Gabi said running to her.
Leaving me and Carlos..

"So how are you?"


He looked concerned, he definitely knew something was wrong.

"Camilla what's wrong?" he said leading us to sit on a bench.

"Nothing i promise." i said giving him a smile

"Camilla you know your so easy to read." He said teasing.

Luckily we got interrupted, the game was starting. I really don't know what to do with Carlos.

2 hours later

We won the game by one point, everyone was cheering. Once the game finished the team went and showered and Gabi wanted to stay to congratulate Noah. But i was still stressed about Carlos.
And he saw me and he's walking towards me, i quickly walk away pretending I didn't see him but he dragged me gently by my arm to his car.

"Ok Camilla tell me what's wrong now."
He said demandingly. That was attractive.


"Just tell me, i'm your boyfriend." that sounded weird.. I've only ever had one boyfriend and he was a dick.
I signed i might as well tell him. It's kinda his fault i'm in this mess.

"I'm just confused."

"About?" he said sipping his water his cheeks were still red from the game making him look so pretty.

"I don't understand our relationship, it's stupid. We rushed too much and i don't think you even like me."

I looked down not wanting to see his face. But then he raised my chin with his thumb.

"Camilla." he said kissing my hand. Why does he have to be so romantic?!

"I asked you out because i wanted you to be mine. I didn't want anyone being an option for you. You really think i don't like you?"

"Yeah." I mumbled.

He smiled shaking his head.
"You don't know how much i think about you. You make my head hurt C." he whispered giving me chills. I knew i was red, the blush i was wearing wasn't helping either.

"If you don't want to be in a relationship with me just say so. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
I want him.
I grabbed him by his

"That's good. I'll take you home." He said starting his car.

I'm glad i told him. Now i can concentrate on building up our relationship.

Hi angels! The relationship is definitely building between the two of them. Drama is gonna start soon though.

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