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"I swore you were staying home today, Ms. Talk Heavy" Fatima says to Danni as she rolls her eyes

"Do you really think I want to be here, my momma said if I miss another class they're gonna come up here" Danni says

"Oop" Andi says covering her mouth and Fatima does a quick laugh

"Now just get your ass beat on campus" Fatima says and Andi chimes in with her laugh. Danni playfully rolls her eyes again.

"How does she even know you're missing class?" Fatima ask

"Because her big mouth ass sells herself out each time" Andi says throwing her hands up in the air. 

They all laugh

"You know that's my homegirl we just be bussing it up and I forget some shit I'm just not suppose to say.
Shit I'm grown at this point."Danni says coming to her own defense. The oldest of the group was Andi who is 21 and nearing her 22nd birthday. Fatima and Danni are freshly 21 with their birthdays just 2 months apart sharing the exact same date, the 4th.

The girls were in their junior year of college at Georgia State University. Danni studies Psychology and Andi's focus is Criminal Justice with a dual enrollment to the schools law program.  Fatima majors in Real Estate with a minor in Business Marketing. She was currently interning as a real estate assistant. Her mother wanted her to study nursing or something health related simply because she herself is a doctor. Fatima decided against it and her mother ultimately was fine with it. Fatima's father on the other hand was willing to support anything his baby girl wanted to do, he's just happy his daughter is working toward something and shows she willing to make her own way. She knew everything wouldn't be handed to her, she had drive and was willing to work for anything she wanted in life.

"And that's what ya get" Fatima says as they leave out of Starbucks on their campus.

"I know damn well you're not talking! I heard ya momma cursing you out about Zac again." Danni says


"There's no well" Danni says interjecting

"I thought she loved Zac since highschool" Andi says somewhat confused

"She does but she hates that we chose the same school"  Fatima says

"Yeah because your ass act like you can't focus" Danni adds shaking her head

"Who ever told you that ?! All my grades are perfect, I go to class when I need to. Doing my inter-

"Keyword is need, A you know this hoe is never home" Danni says to Andi

" I am home!" Fatima says

The girls share a 3 bedroom apartment just 5 minutes from campus.

"Now you are because y'all broke up or whatever you call it" Danni says

" T know she don't usually be home, that room be silent as hell"

"I have been home for the last month, please miss me with the drama" Fatima says flagging the girls as they walk over to one of the academic building and sit on the bottom floor where the student lounges are.

"Yo mama and daddy will surely get right with you if they knew they're paying for this apartment and you spend all your time at Zac's" Danni says and Andi nods agreeing

"Wasting my auntie's money" Andi says playfully adding fuel to the fire.  Andi and Fatima are cousins. Andi's father and Fatima's mother are siblings, Danni is a long time family friend nearly from birth. They all were practically sisters.

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