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"Either call Zac or call your daddy" Dani suggested

"I'm not calling my dad-

"Well then you need to call Zac!" She says

"I am not going to call Zac. They were just fighting the other day. I'll get a new phone. It's whatever" Fatima says. She really wanted to call Zac in that moment but she didn't want him to flip out because that is exactly what he'll do.

"Tell me what happened? Like how did it end up with him breaking your phone and y'all arguing in a damn parking lot" Dani says

"It was Zac's fault!" Fatima says with a quick laugh

"We've been texting a little -". " OOOooohhhh" Danni says dramatically.

"Shut up"  Fatima says

" We've been texting a little since him and Anthony fought. He's trying to push this friend agenda. BUT in efforts of this agenda he has, he fucking calls my phone!" Fatima says

"While you were with Anthony?" Dani ask as she drove

"Yes!! While we were in Walmart. AND HE KEPT CALLING! So Anthony is clearly confused because my phone wouldn't stop going off. I had to tell him it was my damn daddy" Fatima says

"Well that is your daddy" Dani mumbled to herself and Fatima hit my shoulder

"So I had to answer and act like I was talking to my damn daddy. Zac was pissing me off with the shìt and then Anthony trying to talk on the phone with him thinking it's actually my daddy.. it was just too much" Fatima says exhaustedly

"Then I guess Zac must've text or something. I don't know what happened but he had my phone and all I know is I turned and it was on the fucking floor!" Fatima explains

"He needs to get you a new fucking phone" Dani says

"Oh he's going to give me some money. He got me fucked up if he think he's going to break my shit and I'll be cool with it" Fatima says

"I'm surprised you ain't tear that nigga up you would've bopped Zac's ass" Dani says " You should've Molly whopped and put his ass in a full nelson" she says

"You always want to play" Fatima says

"I'm dead ass fucking serious Fatima. Ain't nobody playing. The breaking your phone, he's aggressi- you know what I'm calling your momma"

"Woah now can you just allow me to call" Fatima says

"Call now" Danni commands " Nobody is joking about this. That nigga needs to be dealt with. We not just letting this slide. That ain't even like you to let shit slide" she says

"Call her" Danni says as Fatima sits there and then Fatima's phone rings. Fatima didn't even realize Danni pulled up to Zac's place.

"I can't even see whose calling me." Fatima says looking at the shattered screen as she carefully tapped around

"Hello?" She answered and Zac slid in the backseat

"Fatima where you at?" She heard Anthony's voice ring through the phone

"She's where she belongs nigga" Zac says snatching her phone, startling her. She whips her head back and the call ends.

"Why the he-

"Now you shocked to see me but just was calling me dadd-

"Don't even" she interrupts him

"The fuck is up with your phone?" He ask scared to hold it properly.

"That nigga broke her phone" Danni interjects and Zac titled his head to the side while he looked at Fatima who made sure to turn her head back to the front.

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