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Time passed and Andi eventually gave birth to her baby boy, Amani. When he was born Andi moved in with Robin. Even though the girls were excited about their nephew and didn't see him as a burden, Andi didn't want to push a baby onto them especially during their final year of school. Robin also thought it would be good practice because even though they would stay multiple nights with one another, they would soon be living together permanently. That was the plan after graduation.

Danni and Preston had been consistently going strong without doing their typical on/off cycle. Danni only has classes on Thursdays so she spends the majority of her other days with Preston. Preston never knew Danni was the clingy type especially with the way she originally came off to him many many years ago when they were younger. She always played the cat and mouse game and made sure she wasn't getting too involved with him too soon. That explains them not being official until their college years. The story was different now, Preston couldn't get Danni off of him but he loves it this way. They realized their favorite thing to do together is try new foods and get out of the city anytime they can even if it's to a city over. Road-trips are their thing and Preston doesn't care to drive hours. Danni surely doesn't mind singing loudly to every song while she sits in the passenger.

Zac and Fatima, well...

"I was calling to see if you needed me to pick you up something" Zac says walking into to Fatima's room.

"How did you get-

Zac pulls her house keys out of his work pants pocket.

"Oh" Fatima says. Fatima had been home sick and Zac knew she wouldn't be moving from the house so he took her keys to let himself in when he got off of work

Dropping a bag on the bed of 10 different kinds of medications, tissues, ginger ale, crackers and 4 different soups.

"Babe I'm not going to eat all of thi- you know I don't like peas" she says dropping her shoulders and looking up at him holding a can of soup

"Shit I'll pick them out. Anything like chicken noodle I just grabbed it I don't know babe. I just got a bunch of shit. You've been sick for damn near three days now.  You have to eat something." He says sincerely

"I did. I had some toast that Danni made me" she says and Zac looked over to the plate of a half bitten piece of toast

"That's not enough Fatima." He says shaking his head

"Did your mom call you?" He ask taking his work shirt off

"She did but I didn't answer. I don't feel like talking I just was to- "she says laying back down

"She's a whole doctor and I told her you been sick, you need to call her back or I'll call her again" Zac warned

"I jus-

Fatima flew up from her laying position, onto her feet and into her bathroom to empty whatever was left in her stomach.

Zac put his work shirt back on in preparation to take her to the hospital.

"We're going to get you checked out and I'm calling your mom as we-

"No!" She says wiping her mouth with a paper towel after she stood from the toilet.

"What do you mean no?!" Zac exclaimed as she stood at the sink to brush her teeth

"I'm not even asking you anymore" he says

"Here put these on" he says walking back in the bathroom with a pair of sweatpants. Fatima rinsed her mouth with mouth wash after brushing just as Zac pulled his phone out to call her mother.

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