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"It's okay- it's okay gorgeous-

"It's not okay Zac don't lie to me" she says with tears falling fast down her face as she sat in the hospital bed.

"Baby I promise it's ok-

" No you can be honest-

"Fatima I am being honest! Stop it!" He says to her. He grabs her chin while he looks deeply in her eyes.

"I don't blame you, I don't hate you. I know that if it was meant then it would've happened. I'm not mad at you babe, it's okay." He says kissing her lips as the tears just kept streaming.

"I love you and that's not changing-

"Be honest with me" she says

"Baby I'm being honest." He says and she kept her focus on his eyes. Finding comfort in him like she always would.

"I was so scared" she says crying into chest

"I know baby. I know" he says rubbing her back. He gently rested his chin on top of her head as he thought to himself. He knew Fatima wanted him to go but he felt like he should've stayed with her.

"I got you" he says as he could feel her breathing becoming more labored as the tears continued.

He closed his eyes while he held her.

Eventually a nurse came in to exam her once more and processed her discharge papers. Zac ended up leaving his phone in his car so he wasn't aware that everybody was blowing his phone up since he left.

Fatima laid with her head resting on the passenger side window while Zac drove her back in his car. He made a mental note to ask Robin to drive him back to the hospital to get Fatima's car when he came back to campus.

"Zac" Fatima mumbled lowly

"Yes" he answered

"I want to go with you" she says

"I am with you babe, I'm not leaving-

"No I want to go to your place. I don't want to go to mine" she says

"Whatever you want, whatever you want babe" he says as he continued driving. He could hear her sniffling and he rubbing her thigh.

It wasn't long before they arrived at Zac's apartment. Zac helped Fatima out of the car and they made it into the apartment. Before she could sit on the couch, she started crying again. She couldn't help herself.

"I didn't want to ruin this for you" she says

"Stop talking like that. Babe you didn't ruin it. I'm fine, I'm just worried about you" he says "Just try to relax for me please" he tells her

She sat with her head in her hands while Zac moved around the apartment getting things in order for her. When he walked back out and noticed her, he went to  sit on the coffee table in front of the couch

"I know this is new for us but we're fine. Believe me when I say this. I'm going to be right here. Do you hear me? " he ask her and she nods.

Zac heard his phone ringing and before he could get up , Fatima grabbed his wrist.

"Please don't" she says to him

"Baby we have to say something. I ran out of there and everybody has been calling. They just want to know if everything is okay" Zac says and they stared at each other. Fatima's eyes were pleading and Zac read them.

"Just let me tell them everything is good" Zac says and Fatima hesitantly let go of his wrist.

"Yo" Zac answered

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