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"Lets go, I need to go to the store to grab a few things" Anthony says walking out of the bathroom fixing his shirt

"What do you mean let's go? Babe I'm laying down" Fatima says

It's been a few days since the incident and last night was Fatima's first night back staying with Anthony.

"Exactly what I said. Let's go" he says "You're not sitting in here while I'm out so you can start calling and texting that nigga again" He says

Fatima sucked her teeth in frustration

"What are you even talking about?" She says with her face puzzled as she sat up in the bed

"You know what I'm talking about. You're not staying in the house, so get up and put some clothes on. We out." Anthony has

"So I have to go to the store with you? Because you think I'll call a nigga?" She ask laughing

"I'm not going to repeat myself. Just get yourself together so we can go" he says walking out of the bedroom brushing his hair.

Fatima hesitated in confusion, she laid back with her face twisted and eyes looking around at each corner of the room.

"Why are you still laying down? Don't piss me off I just sai-

"I heard what you said" she says interrupting his words

"Then get up like I said" he says looking at her waiting for her to move

"I just don't understand this. You're on some insecure bullshit and I-

"Don't call me insecure-

"Then what would you call it Anthony? That's what the hell it seems like!" Fatima says

"It seems like you don't understand English. I said let's go ten times and you still laying there like I'm playing" he says roughly

"I'll just go home because the way you're talking to meee..." she says laughing as she slid her legs from under the blanket and on to the side of the bed

"What are you going home for Fatima?" He ask

"Because! You're not going to talk to me like that and your damn sure not going to treat me like that" she says standing from the bed and walking by him to try to get to her things

"Come here" he says trying to soften his tone

"No. You're on some other shit and I don't appreciate it" she says shuffling around. He comes over to stand behind her while she is still moving about like he isn't behind her.

He grabs her chin from the side and hooks his head around to kiss her lips. She doesn't kiss back and swiftly turns her head

"So you're not going to kiss me?" He ask still not moving from behind her

"No I'm not going to kiss you" She says behind down to pull her shorts up and he stops her from fastening them by grabbing her by the waist. She stumbled a little.

He grabbed chin again

"Get off of me" she says stubbornly as he kissed on her neck and his hand wandered into her shorts

"Stop being mean" he says onto her neck

"That's you" she says through a subtle moan she let escape as he touched her warm spot.

"I just want you to go to the store with me" he says feeling her body slightly give in to him. He continued to kiss her neck and his fingers were gliding over her clit

"You're being mean uh to me" she says biting her lip feeling pleasured just by his small acts

"I'm sorry can we just go." He says feeling her leg buckle a little " We can come right back and I can give you what you need" he says feeling her glaze his fingers

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