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"Are you sure those are positive?" Andi ask "Like you can't be serious" she says frantically

"Andrea, all three of them say positive and you be fucking gi-

"DANNI!" Fatima shouted

"What? She sitting here acting like she don't know why those test say positive" Danni says

"Twenty one and pregnant" Andi says shaking her head

"Better you than me" Fatima mumbled to herself as she looked off

"Seriously!?" Andi shouted

"I'm sorry I'm just saying" Fatima shrugged

"ABORT ABORT ABORT SHHHH" Danni says as if she was talking into a walkie talkie

"I'm joking I'm joking" she says quickly before anyone could say anything

"I promise I'm playing" she says hugging Andi

Andi pushed her off playfully

"Well before anything let's find out for sure for sure" Fatima says

"Three test ain't enough?!" Danni ask "The girl was just dying in the bathroom that's knowing for sure for sure" Danni says

"Stop Danni" Fatima tells her and Danni throws her hands up in defense.

Andi sat with her head in her hands. As the two went back and forth.

"Andi... are you okay?" Danni ask "Should we call Ro-

The three heard knocks on the door. Andi lifted her head to look toward the door.

"Who the hell is that?" Danni ask walking to the door as they knock again.

"Okay you're not about to be banging on the door like that" she says snatching the door open.

"Oop not today Satan" she says immediately closing it back.

"Nope" she says again walking back to the group

"Who is it?" They ask in unison.

"Please go get your man from in front of that door" Danni says to Fatima and Fatima blew her breath out. She balled up her fist in frustration as she walked to the door.


Fatima pulled the door open quickly

"You need to leave" she says

"No I need you to tell me why you got niggas tryna talk to me like they silly" he says

"It's not my fault you're calling my phone and he answered. You got what you were looking for, I told you to leave me alone" she says nonchalantly

"You got him trying to protect you like I'm doing something to you, I'm not doing shit to you" he says

"Yes you are! You won't stop! You won't leave me the fuck alone! I am SINGLE! Do you hear me?! SINGLE!" She shouted in his face.

"But you with that nigga?" He says

"And I'll be with who I want Zachary! You don't dictate what the fuck I do!" She says to him

"Doing what you want? " Zac scuffs sarcastically "You keep saying that" he says

"So if I keep saying it then what don't you get! Why the fuck are you so delusional! Like leave Zachary!" She shouts.

"Ard Fatima since that's how you really acting, I'm gone" he says

"PLEASE! BYE" she says slamming the door.

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