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Later on in the day, the girls were back in their apartment. Andi was sitting at the table working on a presentation and Danni was creating flash cards for her next exam. Fatima laid on the couch with her eyes in her phone, scrolling on Twitter.

"Thirsty Thursday tonight?" Danni ask with her focus down at her flash cards as she wrote.

"I'm down" Andi says and the two wait a moment for Fatima to respond, she doesn't. The two look at eachother.

"It's no way you're still mad" Andi says looking over at Fatima but received not an ounce of Fatima's attention. Andi's pet peeve is as being ignored by anyone so she became irritated and threw the closest item near her. It just happened to be her slipper. The slipper went flying and Fatima jumped.

"The hell?" She says sitting up and looking at the girls. She was met with a titled head and glued eyes by Andi.

"You don't hear us talking to you" Andi says

"You don't see my headphones in my ears." Fatima says lifting up her hair slightly

"How the hell was I suppose to see that? I thought you were ignoring us with that attitude of yours" Andi says

"No" she says

"D said thirsty thursday" Andi says

"Yessirrr" Fatima says. She loved going out especially with her girls, it was always a good time. It was no telling where their night would end them but it was guaranteed fun.

"You really didn't have a choice" Danni says laughing and Fatima playfully rolls her eyes. They were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"My man my mannn" Andi says hopping up so quickly out of her chair. Her smile was ear to ear. She ran to the door and opened it. Robin was standing at the door with a smoothie for her

"Hiiii!" Andi says and the two come in for a hug.

"I thought you needed some liquid courage so I stopped at the fruit truck you like" Robin says passing off the smoothie and the way down the hallway.

"Thank you love" she says taking a sip as they finally reach the common space

"Wassup y'all" Robin says to Danni and Fatima.

"No suit today huh nigga" she says and they laugh as Robin leans over to hug Danni

"You always want to bid" he says laughing "but naw no suit" he adds. Andi was gathering her things from the table.

"Yo T, wassup with your mans. He acting goofy" Robin says

"Because that's what he is. He ain't acting" Fatima says plainly with no energy behind her words.

Robin looks at Andi for help

"Come on" she says and the two begin walking to Andi's room

"Before y'all go in there, do we need to leave" Danni ask and everyone laughs

"Danni!" Andi shouts back

"I'm just saying!" Danni says

"No everybody is fine where they are"  Andi says before disappearing

"You know you're amess" Fatima says walking around Danni to the kitchen

"Listen the only person I want to hear fucking is me" Danni says and Fatima chokes on her water

"Shut up" Fatima says laughing.

"I'm about to go to the gym, what you finna do" she ask Danni.

"I don't know something is telling me to leave so I might just take my ass with you" Danni says packing her flash cards and laptop up.

"What???!! Danni is coming to the gym with me?!" Fatima says shocked and Danni shakes her head

"Don't push it." She says

"You got ten minutes and I'm leaving you" Fatima says walking to her room to change her clothes.

"Now this hoe wants to rush me" Danni mumbles as she marches back to her room and change.

After a few minutes Fatima was yelling outside of Danni's room door.

"I'm coming dammit!" Danni says snatching her door open.

"The gym is not a fashion show Danni what the hell" Fatima says looking at Danni's outfit

"It's literally just a two piece set for working out. Isn't it called active wear." Danni says

"You're just- whatever let's go. We're going to run there" Fatima says and Danni blows her breath.

"Ard we leaving y'all can fuck now!" Danni yells out to Andi's room

"DANNI SHUT UP!" Andi says through her laughs while the girls exit the apartment.

Fatima and Danni make it to the gym to work out. It was thirty minutes into the workout when Danni came over to Fatima who was running on the treadmill and dramatically passed out in front of her. Fatima slowed her speed down just so she could laugh

"Come on do the last ten on the treadmill with me" Fatima says

"Fatima you go to hell." She says getting up " I'm ready to goooo" Danni says

"I'm actually proud. I saw you getting it in" Fatima says stopping the machine completely and getting off

"Yeah yeah proud my ass. Just need to keep this waist small and my ass fat." Danni says

"You know that's the motto" Fatima says grabbing her water bottle

The two went to stretch before leaving out of the gym.

"What's crazy to me how I immediately want the greasiest meal right after working out. Like whewww baby I want some Buffalo wings with the extra blue cheeseeee and baby with cheese fries. Goodness gracious" Danni says with her hand in the air as if she was praising the Lord.

"Not happening." Fatima says

"Wassup D" Zac says walking by catching her off guard

"Zac? Wassup mofo" Danni responds and Fatima's face balled up because she knew what he was doing.

"Stop being childish" Fatima says to Zac


"Ah ah come on T" Danni says rushing Fatima along and Zac shook his head laughing

"I swear he acts like a fucking kid. He's only coming to speak to you because I'm right there. He did that shit when I was standing with Robin. His gay ass" Fatima says ranting as they walk

"I don't know what it is with y'all but if it's one thing I can never figure it the fuck out" Danni says

"No I know exactly what it is. He did that Greek shit now he's feeling himself and think he's the people's choice. I swe-

"Stop it, y'all will be back in like two weeks" Danni says

"No because the next time he pull that shit imma air him out, I don't care where it's at" Fatima says

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