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"So we're not going? Football Sunday either?" Zac questioned Fatima.

"Can we just stay here and we can watch the game. I'll turn it on and get some food" she says

"Fatima you don't even look pregnant. Why are you scared? We can go home." Zac says

"I said I don't want to go. If you want to go then go but I'm staying here. I'm not going to keep saying it" Fatima tells him

"Ard yo" Zac responds in irritation

"Zac go. I don't need you to stay with me! You can go home. I'm not keeping you hostage" she says

"Fatima please not right now with your attitude. Like for real" he says flagging her

She didn't say anything else. She rose from her seated position on the bed and walked out of her bed room, the door slammed behind her. She didn't know whether she meant that or not but she did not care.

Zac exhaled and shook his head. He knew she needed a few minutes to cool down before he attempted to check on her.

He allowed that time and didn't wait a minute longer. He wanted to be under her so he made sure he went to check on her. When he walked out of the room, she was sitting on the couch with her laptop


Zac's call for her was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Yo" he answered while he stood in front of her as she looked up from her computer screen

"Yeah we just got back, pops asked if you sliding?I told him you said you didn't know yet" Robin says on the phone

"Naw imma stay up here with T but-

"Zac just go like just go" Fatima interjected in irritation

"Everything cool?" Robin ask

"Yeah I'll hit you back but tell pops I'm not coming" Zac says before ending the call and putting the phone back in his pocket

"Zac leave me alone." She says before he could say a word to her

"What did I do to you?" He asked "I already said I was staying here with you now every chance you get you're giving me an attitude for no reason" he says

"You knew he was calling to ask you, that's why you answered it in my face-

"Fatima what? You're bugging" he says

"Zac go home. I don't even want you staying here with me" she says

"So you're kicking me out now?" He scoffs

"What's up with you for real? Like you're tripping out on me for no reason" he says

Fatima decided to ignore him as he stood staring at her waiting for a response of some sort

"Can you get out of my face please." She says plainly

"What is the problem Fatima? Real talk" he says

"Can you just leave. That's all" she says

"That's what you want?" He ask

"Yes that's what I want. That's what I said" she retorts

He let out a single laugh and shook his head before going back to her room to grab his things. He was going back to his apartment. He thought that since they had been together for days straight that maybe she did want her space. He didn't know but he knew that he didn't want to make an argument out of this.

"Call me when you're done tripping" he says while he walked passed her to the door with his car keys in his hand

"Nobody is tripping" she mumbled as she heard the door close.

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