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A week or so had passed. Fatima had been spinning Anthony for her own personal reasons.

She felt like she had been doing to much and just need a minute to think about her next steps. Even though her and meech weren't together long, she was still upset that their actual friendship was tarnished. That was also another reason why she was wary about taking him serious, she didn't want anything that could happen to jeopardize their friendship. It was too late for that. Even though Fatima laughed at their break up, she knew her temper and if she were to see Meech, she knew she would actually snap for what he did.

She kept communicating with Anthony, they were gradually getting to know eachother. She was happy he didn't stay near campus, she wanted to duck him as long as she could. She didn't want someone clocking her every move, she would see him when she felt up to it.

"Aye miss thang, what you over there thinking about" Danni ask seeing her sitting at the table staring off

"Nothing" Fatima responds

"What you tryna get your niggas in order, who's next?" Danni says playfully popping her hip

"I don't have any niggas-

"Yous a lie. Ever since you and Zac did y'all dumb ass break off, you had meech and now that meech is done. I just know you got another one in the tuck" Danni says

"She do but her ass gon get back with Zac first and do that whole cycle again and THEN she'll give Anthony a chance" Andi says interjecting in the conversation as she walks in the living room

"ANTHONY!" Danni gasp and Fatima palms her face

"I'm not getting back with Zac" Fatima says

"That's like me saying I'm not going to beat Meech the fuck up when I see him, I AM!" Danni says and Andi laughs

"But I'm no-

"Anthony as in Kappa Anthony? Zac's older line brother Anthony!?" Danni ask trying to piece the puzzle together

"Yup the one he practically hates, that's him" Andi says

"Damnnn he's fine! Shit! I mean Zac's alrightttt but that damn Anthony" Danni says exhaustedly

"Get that T!" Danni encourages

"Danni please" Fatima says

"Now what?" Danni says dropping her arms

"You know how she gets. She seen Zac and now she's in her feelings" Andi says grabbing something out of the refrigerator.

"Zac has nothing to do with anything" Fatima says defensively

"Yes he does and you know it. If he would've took y'all relationship seriously to begin with, you would've never been with Meech. Meech would've never had the chance to fuck you over, even though WE know you don't care forreal. You just was doing that to see if you could make Zac mad. Now you basically done lost your friend. Now that he's out of the picture, you keeping Anthony at a distance because you thinking about Zac. AND T that's fine but just be real. We all know who you love forreal" Andi says and Danni nods her head.

"Why are you trying to read my whole life" Fatima says

"I'm only saying what you are thinking. That's why you sitting in here on some sad somber shit" Andi says

"Nobody is sad! I just don't want to do too much" Fatima says

"Do too much? Bitch you fucked one other person that wasn't Zac. Big deal. You act like you just fucking everybody" Danni says

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