chapter seventeen

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Jacks pov♡
I dont know what to do.
I haven't seen Wren in about 5 days now, i have asked Mer about her and she says its a "family" matter, but Trevor is at school and practice everyday.

So now im in my car, in front of the Zegras house hold, and contemplating if i should go inside. I told Z i was coming over at 8 but i came at 7, cause i wanted to talk to Wren, see if she's at least alright. Im looking around and i cant see Z's car anywhere, so i guess he's not home yet.

I take one deep breath, take one last look in the mirror to check if i look okay for the millionth time the past 10 minutes.
I push my car door open, lock it and start heading towards their house.

Im nervous, usually im not, but that's because i sneak in from Wrens window and i dont really meet Mrs.Z. But now, i realise maybe something has happened and i should respect Wrens privacy, for once, and actually use the door.
It takes a little bit for Mrs.Z to open the door after i ringed it.
"Hey jack, come one in" she says giving me a warm smile and opening the door wider for me to enter.

"Trevors not here yet, but he'll be home in about 20 minutes" she says and leads me into their kitchen.
"Yea, i know. I came earlier because i... well i kind of wanted to..." i cant seem to finish my sentence. I've always been a confidant kid.
Im good with parents, but this is different, cause what im about to say is something a 'boyfriend' would do. Im not Wrens boyfriend.
Would i like too? Yes.
Have my feelings towards her grown much stronger? Again, yes.

"Jack, just spit it out" Mrs.Z forces me to finish what i wanted to say.
So i take a deep breath and just spit it out.
"I came over to see how Wren is doing. Because, you know, haven't seen her the past week. Shes not responding to any texts or calls. Im just" i let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding "worried".

Mrs.z stares at me for a little while. And very so slowly a slight grin forms on her face.
"She says she'll be back at school by Monday" she finally says and it feels like a huge wight has been lifted off my shoulders.
"Thats great" i say as i give her a small smile.

"Okay, so i guess i'll just..." i dont get to finish my sentence cause mrs.z cuts me off.
"Does Trevor know?" She asks and it feels like my stomach just dropped.
"About what?" I try to act normal as if i dont know anything.
"That you like her, or that she likes you back?"

When she says that i feel like im alive again. My heart starts beating really quick, but that's cause i dont think i have ever been this happy in my life.

I become a lot more nervous then i was before, and bring my hand up behind my neck to scratch.
And ask "do you really think she likes me?"

A huge smile breaks out on mrs.z's face. She leaves the kitchen island she was leaning on, and comes over to me.
She takes my face into her hands and says
"Trust me when i tell you, dont blow this. Take the chance."

I give her a weak and nervous smile. "But how?" I ask again as she leaves to make herself some drink.
"Honey. Dont you have like a winter formal to go to? Ask her. If she agrees to go with you though, you're gonna have to talk to Trevor. You know, bro code and all that" she offers me a smile that says that she has been in the middle of this type of situation before.

"Trevor is my bro. What if he's like, i dont know, pissed at me later. Or doesn't talk to me. That cant happen, we're on the same line" i rant to her as i sit down in front of her behind the island.

She turns around with a mug if tea in her hands, she laughs out loud and says
"First of all, trevor is not like that. He know you're a good guy, and all her wants is for Wren to be happy, and im sure he knows you would make her happy. But, if he for some weird reason did get all mad and shit, we both know the kid cant hold grudges for the life of him. You might have to let him win a few rounds of ping pong, and by then he would have forgotten what he was mad about."

"So your saying i can ask birdy to the winter formal?" I make sure that i got it right.
"Yes, jack. But dont make a spectacle about it we both know she doesn't like that."
"Yea, i wasn't planning on it"

"Thank you for the advise Mrs.Z"
"Anytime kid" she walks over to me and gives me a warm hug.
Which i really needed.


Im a lot better now. And im finally getting to the fun part of the book. Im excited about whats coming soon.

Also, happy eras tour. Dont know about you, but i spent all of Saturday morning crying, bc i wasn't there. Fomo is a fucking bitch.

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