chapter seven

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Before i start the next chapter. I would like to thank everybody for reading and voting.
Cause right now, everything is changing. I had to switch schools in the middle of the semester. And right now it feels like these story's are the only thing that is familiar, besides my 3 best friends. And all the people who have been here even since 'love over the ocean' (which i had to unpublish it for reasons), i love you all. And dont worry you didn't miss out on much, that story was ass.

And now we are about to see if the devils will keep their winning streak. Those guys are killing it. And all of us Taylor fans know that 13 is the lucky number. So lets hope.

Jacks pov♡

This girl just fell asleep on me. We were watching grays anatomy. And when i tried to ask her if she wanted to keep watching, i noticed, she had fallen asleep.

And now i have no idea what to do. Should i move? Should i try and fall asleep with her and not be home for the night AGAIN? Though i probably shouldn't cause i have morning practice at 6am.

But how could i move, her head is on my shoulder, her long braid over my chest. Her lashes meet her cheeks. She looks way too peaceful to wake her. And maybe i should stay over again....

"WREN, open the door. I need something" Trevor yells from behind the door, as he try's to pray the door open.
Wren stirs awake. Jumps out of bed and looks over at me with fear in her eyes.

"One minute" she yells back.
"Move" she whisper yells at me.
"Where?" I get up and try to find my hiding place.

She looks around the room and pushes me to her bathroom, into her tub.

"Really?" I ask her.
"Yes really, now shut up. Don't breath, dont blink." She tells me and runs to open her door to her older brother.

Wrens pov♡

I open my door in panic, trying to keep calm. Who knew, i of all people, would hide a teenage boy from my brother, in a bathroom. Who even am i? But none the less , i have to take a few deep breaths and calm the fuck down.

"What the hell took you so long?" He asks me and barges in my room.
"I was sleeping. So thanks for fucking that up by the way"
"Ohh sorry. I just needed something from your bathroom, I'll be quick" he tells me and try's to make a move towards my bathroom.
Panic sets in.
"NO. no, dont go in there" i yell.
"Why?" He asks and stops in his tracks.
"Its nasty. Just tell me what you need, okay? Nobody besides me should see that crap"
"I just need a new toothbrush. I think we ran out of extras."
"One toothbrush coming your way" i tell him and hurry off to my bathroom.

"Not yet not yet not yet" i whisper loud enough only for jack to hear.
"Got it" he says back and stays in his place.

I find my extras and take one for Trevor. And run back to my brother.
"Thanks. Do you want to do anything tonight. We dont have practice. Maybe we can go to the movies or something." He asks as i try push him out if my room.

You know whats the most fucked up thing? I would love to go out with him. But i also have his best friend, hiding in my bathtub right now. And even though i dont trust him, i dont mind hanging out with him. Its even fun. I think.

"Ughh, next week? Im kind of tired." I tell him as  he steps out the doorstep of my room.
"Ohh, its fine. Get your sleep, i have morning practice tomorrow, so see you after school?" He asks.
"Sure" and i slam the door in his face.

The second i do, jack steps out if my bathroom with a smug look on his face.
"You blew him off for me?" He asks in a mocking tone.
"Ohh shut up" i get back into my soft bed.

"So, grays? Or something else?" I ask him when he still hasn't moved a foot.

He just laughs and walks over.
"What do you have in mind?" He gets comfy himself..
"What about the purge?"
"Ohhh, have you seen it?" He asks and takes a chug of his root bear.
"No. But how horrible could it be?"

Okay, its fucking bad. I dont like it. I dont like scary movies. And even with jack by my side, i dont feel safe at all. And i basically look away the first half of the movie.

"Birdy. You're not even watching. We dont have to watch it. Its not rainbows and butterfly's." He says as he stops the movie.
"Yea no shit. This movie fucking sucks"
"Its not bad. You are just a softie. Thats all"

"You take that back" i snap at him and slap his arm.
"Just telling the truth" he laughs and slaps me back.
And i just fake glare at him as he keeps laughing at me.
"Listen, we can put on Tangled or something." He suggests

"Wait. Whats the time?" I panic and look at the clock on my phone.
Its almost eleven pm.
"Shit" he says.
"Yea shit. You should probably get going" i say as i turn the movie off.
"That sounds like i good idea. I have to be up early"

Jack gets up from the bed, and pulls on his sneakers. And walks up to my bedroom window.

"You better not pull that "we are not friends" bullshit at lunch tomorrow."
"I dont promise shit" i tell him as he climbs out and throw him his backpack trough the window.

And hes gone. And yet again he managed to make my night better.
That motherfucker.

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