chapter twelve

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Wrens pov♡

If you asked what being high is like, i wouldn't be able to describe it. One moment you cant feel your body. Its like floating in the clouds. There are moments when you just end up on the floor laughing by yourself for solid 15 minutes. The weirdest things feel good, and the most disgusting  food combinations taste amazing. And most of the time you cant remember some bits of the time you were high.
I dont remember what happened, but i think jack and i are friends now.
No, best friends, as he said.

Why did i even talk to him. Not only was i buzzed but also smoking a joint. And we all know you dont mix alcohol with weed. That's literally party rule nr.1.
And i did that.

Its now Monday morning. 6:25am. And i should be leaving my house in one hour. Jack texted me 5 minutes ago that he will pick me up at 7:15.
I'm frozen in my place.
"Honey, you okay?" My mom asks as she puts away some dishes from the dishwasher.
"Umm, yea, totally fine" i say looking up at her from my phone.
"You have to eat something sweetie" she tells me as she opens the fridge and looks for something.
"Ohh i'll be fine. I already ate." I lie. To be honest, im in no mood to eat, i feel nauseous. Even the thought of food right now might make me hurl.
"Okay, what time do you want to leave"
Shit. I forgot to tell her that shes not driving me to school anytime soon.
"Ohh, my friend is picking me up" i lie. But jack is my friend, just a guy friend.
"Who? Cause this rout isn't very convenient for Mer."
"Uhh, jack" i say and jump off my stool and try to make a run for my room.
"Wait, you mean Hughes? Trevor's teammate" she stops me before i can escape
"Yea... he lost a bet. And now he has to drive me to school from now."

"A bet, huh? You sure about that?" She asks me with a mischievous smile.
"Yup. Just friends."
"And does jack know that you guys are 'just friends?" She air quotes.
"What does you brother think about this arrangement" she asks me
"Trevor doesn't know shit and he won't find out because you won't tell him" i finish our conversation and leave the room.

At exactly 7:15 Jack's car is out front and he's ready to pick me up. I force myself to leave the house and get into the mental zone so i could survive a 10 minute drive in a enclosed space with him.

"Good morning birdy. Isn't it a beautiful day to save life's?" He chirps when i open the car door.
"Don't you dare quote Derek Shepherd, you're not worthy of it" i close the door and place my backpack in my lap and steal the AUX so i could play Taylor Swift.
"Aren't you a delightful person in the morning" he gives me charming smile.
"Tell me about it" i sass him.
"I know what might help bring your mood up"
"Is it a time machine so i could jump in it. And have both Luke and Leia in my room the day you came over, so i wouldn't have to talk to you? Because if it weren't for Leia i wouldn't have to deal with you now" i rant as i scroll through my TS playlist to find my favorite songs.

"HA HA HA" Jack exclaims sarcastically "but, sadly for you it's only coffee" he says and pulls out a venti cup of iced coffee from the back.
"Thanks" i say quietly and take a sip of it.

It's my coffee order. I can't believe he remembered.
It's been weeks since day we went to Starbucks in the morning. And he remembered it. Why does he have to be like that. Why couldn't he be like a basic hockey player who has like 15 girls on speed dial. Who doesn't remember shit i tell him. Who doesn't care about me. And who only wants me for my body.
Why does he have to be so sweet.

Jacks pov♡

We got to school just in time for class. And the drive was a bit awkward. Cause neither of us spoke a word to each other. The only thing in the background was was Taylor Swift's Christmas music. Why does she listen to Christmas music? it's November 2nd. I guess she's that type of girl. But you know what? It's fine, at least, she doesn't listen to Kayne.

"What do you have for 1st period?" I ask as we walk form the parking lot.
"Math. Istn that fun? What about you?" She ask and sips on her coffee.
"Bio. Dont understand shit in that class."
"Sucks to be you"
"I know right?" I joke around.
"Must be so hard knowing that the second you graduate you'll have a multi million dollar contract and already having a job."
"Well, its not that easy. Yes i might be in the draft, but nobody knows for what team, and if they'll even allow me to play for more then 10 minutes a game. And i could still get injured, and fuck everything up"

Like,  I know I'll be the first or the second pick in this year's draft and my confidence doesn't waiver in this topic. But as any other player I have a nightmares about getting injured, about not getting drafted. It's all normal. But we cant let it get in our heads.

"oh who would want to injure you, you're like 5'6. You're tiny" she makes fun of me while we walk around the crowded halls.
"First of all, im 5'11. And second of all, OUCH. Thats damn harsh. Birdy"

"You'll get over it. Thanks for the coffee again" she  says and gives me a weak smile.
"It was apart of the deal" i smile back.
"Okay, i should get to class. Good luck in bio."
And before she leaves i bring my hand up and offer her a fist bump.

She stares at my hand, then she stares into my soul.
And fist bumps me back.
Ladies and gentlemen, she's warming up to me.


Im gonna be honest I didn't give a fuck about the world championship in football/soccer.  And you know what? it's time for the real deal.
It's finally World Juniors Championship time. Enjoy your winter break and enjoy the championship.
My country already lost one game and they're about to lose for the second time.
I'm pretty sure Canada or Finland is going to win.
You know, you can place your bets in the comments.

Happy holidays.

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