chapter five

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Idk abt you but im pretty sure the devils will finally win the cup this year. Not trying to jinx it or anything. But those guys are killing it. Lets hope the win streak continues.
I know it sounds bad, but im happy that rangers aren't at the top of the nhl. Not the biggest fan of rangers.
Okay, lets stop with the hockey talk, and lets get into the next chapter.
Enjoy, and have a great day, evening or morning.

Wrens pov ♡

I dont know how i ended up in this situation. Mer and i are sitting at the cafeteria during lunch, and all i hear around me is my name.
"Wren is with jack?"
"I could be better for jack then she is"
"She is probably using him"

Wren. Wren. Wren.
I have never been as sick of hearing my name as now.

All i want to do is finish my school day, go home, cuddle my cats and pass out while re-watching grays anatomy.

The thing is i really hate school, but not because i hate learning. I actually love it. But i just hate the people, i hate all the drama, i hate rumors, and i really hate all the fake ass bitches who only want to be friends with me because they think my older brother is hot, and they think they might have a chance with him.
Which they dont.
That's why my only friend is Mer, who i have known since birth. She is like a sister i never had. And its also cool that she has the same name as the mc from grays anatomy.

We sit right next to each other, listening to Taylor swift from the airpods we share, im trying to read my book. And i see someone sit right across from us.
I dont mind, because the cafeteria is really crowded.
I look up from my book and guess who decided to join us...
Fucking jack hughes. 

"Well hello there lady's. How's your day going?" He asks us as he steals a carrot from my tray.
Mer looks at me confused, but that quickly changes as her evil grin shows up.
"Mine has been amusing" she tells him.
"And you birdy?"
"Birdy?" Mer asks half laughing.
"Don't ask" i tell her.

"Mine has been horrible" I close my book and just accept that i wont be able to read any of it right now.
"I could make it better" jack says and shots me a wink.

Ugh. "The only way you could help is if you would just stand up and leave us alone." I say to him and steal my carrot back.
"Well, that's not happening, because your nice brother is in detention during lunch for the next 3 weeks, and you are as close to him i'll find here"
"Jack, this is a room full of teenage girls who would sell their souls for you to sit with them, and we are not one of them"
"She isn't. Im totally cool with it" mer betrays me.

"First of all. I dont give a fuck about those girls, they all look the same and they are boring as hell. And second of all your friend over here doesn't mind at all. And after last night im surprised that you have a problem." He says and takes a drink out of his water bottle

Im gonna be honest, last night wasn't that bad, but that doesn't mean we are besties now, and i want to spend all my time with him. Which i dont.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY "WHAT HAPPEND LAST NIGHT?" Mer asks as he shakes my shoulders.
"Nothing happened, jack is just an asshole"

"And my new allay is named?" Jack asks and makes eye contact with mer.
"Im Meredith" she tells him and shakes his hand.
"Just like from grays anatomy, that's so cool. I love that tv show" he says.

My head snaps his way. "Since when?"
"Since like forever ago, i have seen every episode like a million times. I always watched it during road trips."
"Your favorite character?" I ask. And i already know who he is going to say.
"Dr. McDreamy" he tells me with a proud smile on his face. "You?"
"Addison, even though she was on the show for a few seasons"
"Omg that's so you" he remarks
"You dont know me" i tell him, stand up, "have a nice lunch" grab my things and leave.

How dare he even come up to us. How dare he even try and get to know mer. How dare he say that Derek is his favorite, because god damn it, he is my favorite love interest.


Jacks pov ♡

I dont know a lot of things but i do know one. Birdy looks amazing with my last name on her back.
What i dont understand is why the girl hates me so much. I helped her with chem last night. I bought her coffee.
And yes there might be a small chance that her resentment towards me kind of turns me on. I think i like her. And i think im really obvious about it.

"Soo, when will you tell her that you like her?" Meredith asks me and pulls me out of my thought.
"Mer, can i call you mer? I dont like her" i kind of lie.
"Aha, sure babes, sure. Then you mean to tell me, that what you want is friendship. Fully platonic?" Mer asks me the dumbest question ever. Because who would want that? Especially if its Wren.
"Jup. Jup. Jup. Nothing more. Shes my best friends little sister, why would i like her" i defend myself even though i can tell its not working because i said all of that way too quickly.

"Well, when you are ready to stop lying to yourself. Tell me. I'll help you out. And trust me, you'll need my help. That girl is impossible to crack. Shes been trough hell, and trust me when i tell you. She will resent you for as long she can, and without my help you'll get nowhere" mer stands up and takes her stuff. And right before she walks away i say to her.
"I dont like her. So your serveses wont be needed"
She just laughs and walks away.

I wont need her help, and do you know why? Because her brother is my best friend. And she will be seeing a lot of me. And i am pretty sure i know how to get closer to her.

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