chapter four

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Wrens pov

I almost fall out of my bed when i hear someone banging on my bedroom door. My eyes are heavy and im more tired then before.
Wait. Why is someone still banging my door?
"Wren wake up. Im leaving right now, you'll have to get a ride with mom" trevor yells from the other side of the door.

And then... guess what. Friking jack hughes pops up from the ground.

"What time is it?" He asks in his morning voice while he drags one of his hands down his face. And let me tell you, its hot as fuck. And im not even gonna start to try to explain how attractive his hair looks.

Ooo shit, the time.

I look around to find my phone, when i do, i look at the clock.
"Oh no no no no, shit" i get up and run to my desk.
"Birdy, what time is it?" He asks and gets off the floor
"Its 7.45" i say as i frantically stuff books and binders in my school bag
"Fuck" he says "do you have a spare toothbrush?"
"Toothbrush? Thats what you are worrying about right now? What about your backpack? And how are we getting to school" i say as i start going through my closet.
"Uhh yea. My backpack is in my car and that's how we will get to school. Soo, toothbrush?" He asks and walks into my bathroom

I run over there and open the bottom cabinet and look for the extras. I grab one "here you go. And we leave in 2 minutes" i tell him and run to my closet so i could change.
"And breakfast?" He asks.

I stop and turn so i could see him.
And im becoming fucking mad.
"Listen hot shot, i cant be late, it takes 20 minutes to get to school. Now, i dont know about you but school is important to me.
If you are out of my bedrooms window in less then 20 seconds and if you drive like u have 7 life's, and we could stop at Starbucks.
Hows that?"

He stands there with toothpaste all over his mouth, with a growing smirk on his face.
"You look hot with morning hair" he tells me as he spits out the toothpaste.
"Out" i yell and point with my finger to the window.

He just laughs and crawls out of my bedroom.
I have limited time to get out of this house. So i just brush my hair, my teeth. Put on the first sweatshirt i see and some baggy ripped jeans.

I grab my phone, my backpack and just before i get to run out the front door my mom stops me.
"Hey hey hey, let me get my keys first, hon" she tells me as she starts to get up from the couch.
"No mom its fine. My friend is driving me. And i have to go, we are a bit late" i yell just as i close the front door and run to jacks car.

He is already ready to drive the second i jump in the front seat.
"Go go go go" i yell as he drives off.

He looks over at me and a sudden smile grows on his face.
"What? Do i have toothpaste on my mouth?" I ask as i pull down the sunviser and open the mirror, so i could check.
"No its ummm... nothing, you're smart right, so you'll figure out" he tells me just when he drives up to the Starbucks drive-trough.

"What do you want?" He asks.
"I don't have money on me. I'll live until i get home today"
"That's in nine hours, dont worry, on me. So what will it be?"
"Iced vanilla latte. Thanks" i tell him and check my notifications.

For the next 5 minutes there is silence in the car, and not like the ones they talk about in books, like how its not awkward at all. its like REALLY awkward. I try and distract my self by texting one my friends.
And i can just feel him staring at me half the time.

"What?" I ask him.
"Do you even remember when u passed out?" He asks me.
"No, and why didn't you leave?"
"Because guess what, i passed out too. It was like 9pm by the way"
"Class starts in 10 minutes, you better drive like your life is in danger. Because if i miss my class, you will be dead"
"Birdy, you have my word" jack says that in a horrible British accent.

I look at him with a straight face and he just bursts out laughing. And that mother fucker made me crack a smile, and all because of a stupid British accent.

We arrive at school, and i make jack just stop right outside of school. So i could make it to class. And he doesn't care if hes late for anything, the only thing he worries about is finding parking.

I run into class the last second before the class starts. I drop down in my seat, right in front of my only friend, Meredith.
"Holly shit" i hear her say.
"Well good moring to you too. What?" I ask her and turn around so i could face her.
"You really have some explaining to do" she tells me, but, its like shes proud of me or something.
"What? Am i blind or something?"
"Your sweatshirt" she tells me.

I look down. Okay... i have a ntpd sweatshirt on. I try to see whose name i have on my back, and all i see, are the letters H, U and G.
And it fucking hits me.

I look at the side of my shoulder and see the number 43. That's not Trevor's number. Its fucking Hughes's.


Then i remember, that before we started working on my chem homework he pulled his sweatshirt off because it was too hot in my room. And then...well you know... we passed out. And i figure, he left it on the floor, right by my school stuff.

Great. This is just great. And you know whats the worst part of all this?.
Its not the fact that i only have a bra on underneath it, and i dont have anything to change into.
Its not the fact that the whole school will think we are fucking.
Its the fact that Trevor will find out his best friend didn't leave after our study session, and he'll think we fucked.

Now that's just awesome, isn't it?

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