chapter fourteen

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Wrens pov ♡

Words cannot explain how much i love long car rides. I dont know what is so appealing about them, but they just are my favorite part of going out of town. Like every time we drive over to our grandparents house, it's a 2-hour drive, and I'm always kind of sad after we reached the destination. Because the drive is so relaxing. Just listening to Red Taylor's version or Folklore for hours on end. There's just something so perfect about it, especially if it's raining. Whole car ride is quiet, the whole family is doing their own shit.
Those long rides are just perfect.

But the atmosphere is different when you're you're in the car with a group of huge teenage boys. Cause Trevor decided that it would be a great idea for all of us to carpool just so we can "save money on gas", yea no, i think we should have splurged and driven in 2 cars. Cause right now Mer and I are in the back of the car, in the trunk, of trevors Audi. And it isn't like its a short drive to the music festival. It takes one hour and thirty minutes to get there.
We are 20 minutes in, and its already a fucking chaos.

The guy are screaming the lyrics to Take Me Home, Country Roads. And dont get me wrong, Mer and I are singing as well. But i have a feeling our voices are going to be destroyed before we even get there.

And when the song ends i realize Trevor turned the music down.
"So, their is a gas station in 5 minutes, i was thinking about snacks and boldy could use his fake id to get some alcohol. What yall think?" Trevor suggests.
And whole car goes crazy.
"And dont worry, i will be your dd for the drive back." Luke shouts from the front seat.

When we finally get to the gas station and get out of the car, Mer and I have the same idea in mind. Slurpees.
We run inside leaving the boys behind us.
We obviously choose the biggest size cups they have.
And as im filling up my blueberry slushy someone puts their arms around me and my lugs are filled with a woody-citrus type sent.
And i know one person who smells like that, and that aint trevor.

"Excuse you. Can i help you with something?"  I turn around and push Jacks arms off me.
"You know your tongue will be stained blue right?" He says and slowly a corner of his mouth tilts up in a grin.
"Yea no fucking shit. Thats why im choosing it" i turn back around to finish filling my cup.
"You excited about the festival?" He asks as he leans on the counter beside me.
And i cant help but check him out. I would be lying if i said his style sucks, cause it doesn't, for a guy at least. He has this sick Yankees dark blue t-shirt, beige jean shorts, some nice dark sunglasses and a really sick red bandana that holds his hair back a bit.
"Birdy?" He snaps me out of my train of thought.
"What about?" I ask again trying to act cool and forget about the fact that i was just checking him out, in front of him.
"The festival" he laughs and recites.
"Ohh that. Yes very excited for Mac DeMarco and Kacey Musgraves." I say and put a cap on my cup.
Wait where is Mer. I look around trying to find her, but it doesn't take long to realize she is talking to Trevor by the candy isle. Aww. Thats cute, i hope Trevor actually admits his feelings for her soon, cause they would be so cute together.

"Yea, it will be a lot of fun, now that booze is also involved" he says and follows me around the gas station as i grab some pringles, a twix bar, and haribo cherrys.
"Of course thats what your excited about. Do you even care about any of the artists that are playing there?" I ask and get to the cashier and put my things down on the register
"No not really, i'll just follow you around for hours." He says and takes out a 20 out of his wallet and gives it to the cashier
"What are you doing?" I almost scream "i didn't ask you to pay. And im also gonna have to pay you back."

We take MY things and get back to the car.
"Only way your are paying me back is by sharing some of those pringles with me" he smiles and opens the trunk so i could get in.
"Thats a done deal" i smile.

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