chapter ten

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Wrens pov♡

Mer really fucked me over tonight.
And did she really think i wouldnt figure out that, the line she used to leave, was from our favorite movie.

The Wedding Planner is our shit. Always has been. I remember, when we were like five, our moms sat us down infront of a tv. And that movie was playing.
And we were mesmeraized.
Ever since that one day when our moms left us to go have a spa day, we have loved that movie.

We always ate only the brown m&m's.
On our birthdays we froze resberries and flowers in the icecubes.
We play scrabble whenever we can.
And box mac and cheese is our favorite.
So i knew what she was doing the second she said the phrase "my friends brothers godmother".

And now i was alone, yet again, with jack in my dark room. Watching a disney movie.

And i dont know how i feel about that. Cause i wouldnt say i hate him. And its kind of nice to spend time with him.
I guess we are friends, or something like that.

"You wanna know something stupid?" I ask jack. Knowing im about to expose Mer to him.
"Shoot" he says as he pauses the movie.
"Mer doesnt have any other friends. I always been just the two of us" i start.
"She doesnt?" Jack fake gasps and slaps his hand on his mouth sarcasticly.
"You knew?" I ask dumbfounded,
"Ohh you uncultured swine. That line she used, to leave. Yea she totally stole that from  a romcom called..." i cut jack off before he can finish
"The wedding planner, how do you know that movie?"

Im shocked. I have way more things in common with this stupid hockey player that i've known for a week, then i had with Justin.

I dont think i like that very much. I dont like that at all.
I can live with the fact that he is attractive. That his smile is worth millions, that he is built like a god, and that he is a really fucking talanted hockey player.
But this?
Having things in common?
Being able to talk to him about a tv show about doctors.
Yea, that is a whole new level of trying not to fall for him.

"My moms favorite, i have seen it like a million times because of her. When we were little my mom would always have that movie playing. Its pretty good." He says and his eyes light up. I can tell that this kid is a mommas boy. He might not admit it, but i can hear it in his foice, that he loves that woman more then anyone.
"Well your mother has a great taste. That movie is perfect. The plot is amazing, its funny as hell. And baby alex karev is in it, so that makes it even better"

Jack scoots a bit closer to me. And i would say that i dont mind that, even though i should.
"Ohh my god. It took me a while to realise that, Masimo was Alex. It was so weird."
"I know right. It took me two seasons to put two and two together."

Neither of us realised that we started ranting about movies. It went from "whats the best harry potter movie" to "which fifty shades of gray movie is the best one". And we all know, its the 3rd one.

"Im gonna say something, and just hear me out." Jack starts.
"Disney is ruining marvel" jack says and shrugs away from me, knowing i might hit him for that.
"Ohh, you are totally right. They should have just stopped at No Way Home." 
"My thoughts exactly. But no, they kept pulling the tie."
"That movie would have been the perfect ending for the marvel universe"

When i finish that sentence jack just sits there, staring at me.
And i notice his eyes are traveling from my eyes to my lips. Back and forward.
I dont know how i feel about this.
My heart is beating so fucking fast right now.
And for what reason?
Absolutely none.

Jack and i are sitting side by side right now
And i notice he is slowly leaning in.
Fuck fuck fuck.

Jacks lips are a milimetar away from mine.
And i do the stupidest thing anyone could have done.
I leaned into it.

Jacks lips are pressing agenst mine.
They are soft, and i can tell jack knows exactly what he's doing. 
And you know what? Im gonna keep doing this.

Jacks hand start to roam my waist. And everytime jacks hands touch a new spot on my back, butterflys erupt in my stomach.
I reach out my arms and sling them around jacks neck, and pull the hair that is on the nape of his neck.

Jack grunts at my touch.
"Fuck" he swears in my mouth, when i feel his tounge against my teeth. And i open up for him.

And his tounge touches mine. Without realising i let out a small whimper.
Why does this feel that good?
Why do i feel like im in clouds or something?

Jacks hand roams down more and thats the moment that i remember. This cant fucking happen.
I pull away as quickly as i can.
And try to not make eye contact.

"Shit" jack sighs
"You should probobly go" i dircet him.
"Im sorry, i shouldnt have done that"
"But, well, you did" i say knowing that it isnt all his fault, i was the one who made the last call, i was the one who leaned in so our lips would finally touch. But i dont want to talk about it with him. Not now. Not ever.

"Its late, so im gonna go." He says. And he leaves.

So lets recap what happened today.
1. Jack somehow got my number
2. He got me and Mer lunch, when i said i didnt want anything.
3. I found out he knows my favorite movie back and forward.
4. He kissed me.
5. I stopped it, and threw him out.

What a day. And you know whats the scariest part of it all?
I think i might actually like him.
After all that, how can you not.
But i have to shut my feeling out. Its not gonna happen. I cant let it happen. Not for Trevors sake, and no way in hell am i falling for another jock who is nice to me at the begining. Been there, done that.

And the only thing i need to do now is ignore him. Forever. Or wait until he hooks up with somebody else and forgets about me...
But i kind dont want him too.

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