chapter twenty one

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Wrens pov ♡

Would you believe me if i told you that I've never been on a date?
I haven't.
The funny part about that is that i was in a committed relationship, at least on my part, and he never took me out on a date. Even at the start of the relationship when i thought everything was perfect but i cant believe how naive i was. And i  asked him to take me out multiple times and all he said was 'just wait, im already planning something'.
Yes it never happened.

And now im sitting in my room staring at myself in the mirror. My under eye bags are gone, my arms and legs are starting to look less like skin and bones. I have less bruises over my body. And my hair, it looks thicker. I hate to be that shallow and say that 'yea i met a boy and he fixed all my problems' cause that's also not true, but...
I've realized im getting healthier since i started to hang out with him more, that's also because he brings a lot of snacks every time. But its also that i feel happier. I finally feel like i might be someones first choice. And beside Mer, that's never happened before.

I also realize that i have no idea of what to wear to our date, which i guess will be our 1st.

What the hell do you want me to wear?-me

The annoying one- its the end of November, birdie, dress really warm. We'll be outside.

Why outside?-me

The annoying one- cause i said so, now get ready pick you up in 20.

Jack said and left me guessing.
What does he have planned? Skating? Nahh that way too boring and he does that everyday.
Then i guess i'll find out.

So its literally 39 f degrees outside, and im sitting on the porch already freezing my ass off and hoping that if jack brought coffee that its not iced.

And just as i think of him he drives up to my house, he runs out of his car with a smile on his face.

"Now are you ready to fall head over heels for me?" He asks as he opens the door for me.
"Woah woah there rowdy, calm down" i say
His smile drops in a second
"How the hell did you find out that's my middle name" he asks me embarrassed.
"Trevor is a really aggressive when it comes to video games, Rowden" he slams my door when i get in and fake cry's as he runs to his side, and i just laugh at him.

"Please, just don't need to know about it okay?" He asks
"I wont say Rowdy, i promise"
"Stop, whats your middle name huh? It has to be better then mine"
"Its Maya"
"See!!! Everybody has these normal middle names and mine is fucking Rowden" he complains
"Ohh, don't be such a baby. Rowdy is cute, be happy its not Francis, now that's bad"

Jack bursts out laughing
"Ohh, wow, yea you're right that's bad"
"Soo... where exactly are you taking me?"

"So believe it or not, i would like to surprise you"

"wow, so mysterious of you " i tease him. "dont make fun of me, i don't do this type of stuff every day, im begging you, just give me a break today"

"you have my word on it"

After about 20 minutes of driving we get to this random clear field thats filled with cars and people, more like couples. Jack stops the car, opens his door and runs over to mine to open my door. He smiles and offers me his hand, i take it and get out of the car. And the second i do, i realize what we are here for.

To light lanterns. This is quite literally every girls dream ever since they were little and saw Tangled for the first time. And it's also been mine's.

"Jack"i say mesmerized "" did you know?" "I have my sources" he squeezes  my hand and leads me to get a lantern from a table stacked with them.

"I'm speechless, this is amazing" i say "its nothing much, now take this"he hands me a marker "and lets go sit down somewhere" he says with the lantern in his other hand.

We sit down and before i could even open up the marker to doodle something on the lantern Jack takes both of my hands in his.

"I have to tell you something" he says "i'll just say it. I like you, like a lot and i spend my days and night thinking about you and im too big of a wus to text you, cause im scared i will scare you off. Every day you do something to surprise me and you make me like you more, so... Wren May Zegras can i please be your boyfriend?"

"do i have options?" i joke.

"Wren, please don't joke about this. Its a yes or no question, but no is not option" he says smiling.

"Then, Jack Rowden Hughes i will most definitely be your girlfriend, it would be my honor. "

"well, correct answer. Now would you please hand me the marker so i could write some cheesy ass couple shit on the lantern so we could make it official"

i laugh and hand him the pink marker, he uncaps it and writes 'wren&jack 4ever <3' i smile at the text and decide to lean over and give jack a kiss on the cheek, because i did that, Jack now has a red lip shaped stain on his cheek.

"Dude, i think you made a huge mistake, cause now you'll have to live with Trevor by your side for the rest of your life" i say

"if i get to see you everyday i think it's worth the sacrifice" he smiles, leans over and gives me a kiss

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