chapter three

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Jacks pov♡

"GO GO GOOOO" trevor yells when his  forward doesn't out skate me.
"HAHA you'll never beat me dude" i say as i score my 13th goal.

Z's amazing on ice, but damn, he sucks in this video game. Really. How can anyone suck this bad.

Out of nowhere someone starts pounding on his door. Before he can even get up, his door burst open and Birdy storms in, and fuck, she doesn't look too happy.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP. Could you be more quite. Please. Im trying to do homework. Just shut up" she yells and turns off the play station
"HEYYY, why did you do that?" Trevor whines.
"Because i need to pass chem, i need to focus, and yall are way too loud" she says as she sits down on trevs bed. "And give me my cat back" she says to me.

And would you believed me if i told you i wasn't scared of her. Because i totally am. Sooo...i do as the girl wants. Because i am really fucking scared of her right now.

"Thank you" she tells me.
"You need help with chem?" I ask her with confidence i know will deflate any second now. This might be something surprising about me, but im really good at chem, always has been. It was always kind of been easy for me. And now im gonna use my knowledge to get closer to her.

"You any good?" She asks in a mean tone. Like she is confidant im bullshiting her.
"The best in my class" i say confidently
"Would you help me?"
"Only if you say please" i say pushing my luck
"please" she says really quietly.

I get up from my bean bag, go over to Wren, take Luke from her hands and and make her stand up.
"You ready to learn some chem?" I take her hand and lead her out of Z's room.

Wrens pov♡

That player is right now not only is holding my hand, but also, he stole my cat. What type of fetish does he have to my cats.

I get rid of jacks hand, and show him that my room is down the stairs.
Before i open my door i stop him.
"Okay, before i open this door, you have to promise me, you wont make fun of it. I kind of have been going trough a tough time, and the state of my room says it all. So promise"
I tell him.
"Promise, i wont. I swear, even, on my hockey stick" he says with a smirk.

I chuckle at his comment. You know why? Because when he said 'hockey stick' i couldn't not laugh. So what, i have a dirty mind, at least im fun.  Some of the times.

"What was so funny about that?" He asks confused.
"I... just" i start, but he cuts me off.
"Ohh myy good, get your mind out if the gutter. Okay now i can see how you and trevor are siblings. You two really are the same" he says as he pushes me aside and opens my bedroom door.
"Now i don't know what you are talking about. Because my room looks worse then this" he says and looks at me encouragingly

"Dont bullshit me dude, you don't have to lie" i say as i take my chem books and notebook and sit down on the floor.
"Fine, yea, my mom makes me clean it every week. But still, its not even that bad. You should have seen our room during hockey camp, that was brutal." He plops down just next to me and steals of of my pencils.

"Ohh, i think i could imagine. Like today, trevors room, his room has never been in a better state then this. No im not even joking" i say remembering all the gross things that probably life under the piles of clothes in his room. And the hotel rooms we used to share together growing up during vacation. Ughh.

Jack just starts to laugh at that "no way. Really? His room looked much worse then yours, today" he is basically laying on the floor, holding his stomach, laughing at him.
"I know, that's the scary part. You know. One time, when my mom tried to clean it, she found a dead rat family behind his bed. A DEAD FAMILY." I say now laughing.

"You' re kidding"
"Not even a little bit. And the most fucked up part, he made the rat family a funeral. We all had to wear black" i say, laying on the floor, face up laughing my ass off.
"How old were you?" He asks trying to take a breath.
"It was last year"

And jack and i just burst into even more laughter. And as sad as it sounds, i don't the remember the last time i laughed like this. But really, this is the first time im laughing or even smiling since Justin broke up with me. And im laughing, here on my bedroom floor, with jack, who is my brothers best friend. Now this should be fun wont it?

"So, chem. You ready?" Jack gets up and looks at my notebook to see what im learning right now in school.
"Yea, lets see if you really are the best, or if  your whole class is just really dumb"

After an hour of intense chem studying we take a break.
"What do you even what to do? Like with your life" jack asks me as he gets up and lays down in my bed.
"I want to be a surgeon, that's my dream, ever since i saw Meredith gray holding a scapulae. I knew what i wanted to do in my life." I tell him, and join him on my bed, right next to him.
"Wow, so that must mean you are good in bio?" He asks and i don't know if im imagining things, but i think i just felt his hand brush against mine.
"Best of the best"
And now his hand is definitely pressing  against my hand. And you know what? Im not complaining. It feels kind of...nice

"You know, i don't have a plan b. Its always been hockey." He tells me and looks over to me.
"Why's that?"
"Both of my parents played pro. Father was one of the coaches for the leafs. I knew how to skate, before i even knew how to walk. From that moment, it was pro or... nothing" he says and puts his arm around my shoulder so both of us could be comfier.
"That must be a shit tone of pressure"
"You have no idea"
"Buttt, you already are the best in the country for someone your age, soo. I guess you don't have a lot to worry about anymore. " i try and comfort him.
"Nuhu, im allowed to have that mindset after im drafted 1st overall, in the 2019 draft".
"Well, then only a year left"

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