Chapter 4- Somewhere Only We Know

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Ricky comes running through the theater with a guitar flying around in his hands. He was eager to get to the stage and hopefully not be too late to audition for Troy. Nini's eyes widen a little and everyone's eyes turn to the yelling man. Ms. Jenn looks too, "We're all set on Troys. We're low on Chad." she tells Ricky, "You can read after the Gabriellas." Ricky climbs up the steps and slows down to a walk, "I only studied Troy scenes in the movie." I roll my eyes. Of course he did, but it looks like friend zoning Nini was the right choice because she has two straight guys who are perfect to meet the parents. She should be with them, not someone who practically had a target on her back sophomore year and half the people in her school think she's a predator. Carlos voices all of our annoyance, "Troy would have been here on time." Ms. Jenn touches Carlos's arm to quiet him, "Thanks. Let me do the talking." She then turns back to Nini who looks like she's seen a ghost. Ricky being here tripled her nerves by one hundred and the speech I gave her was basically rendered useless. "Ok, Nini. Let's try this again." EJ pumps his fist into the air and yells, "You got this babe! Whoo!" This scares Ms. Jenn and she accidentally dumps her coffee onto the control board. The electricity cackles and the lights start to turn off. Students around me whisper and gasp but my eyes are focused on Nini, she looked terrified to audition and I was extremely worried. Ms. Jenn starts to dry the coffee with paper towels, "Nobody panic" she tells us, "Nini, let's wait for the lights to come back on. I don't want this to throw you."

Nini then finds the smallest bit of courage she needed to audition. "I'm not thrown." She tells Ms. Jenn. A wide smile grows on my face and Ashlyn and Seb notice they start to poke each other and point at me teasingly. Jack looks at them confused but then notices me, his jaw drops and it quickly turns into a smile. She started to sing and she sounded heavenly. There was a slight tremble to her voice due to nerves but all it did was make it more stunning. The smile stayed on my face which gave Seb, Ashlyn, and Jack the time of their lives. I lay my hand behind my hips and lean onto them, the change in position makes me notice the phone I had in my pockets. I slowly take it out of my pocket and contemplate my next moves. I come to my decision and slowly stand up, Nini's eyes lock with mine and butterflies are set free in my stomach. I break eye contact to look down at my phone and turn on the flashlight. I take a few steps forward and point the flash towards Nini's face. She makes eye contact with me again and her eyes still don't leave mine as Ricky copies my actions. The music crescendos as EJ looks furiously at Ricky and stands up to copy us. Nini's eyes stayed connected to mine and I was glad the flashlight wasn't on me or my bright red cheekbones would have been shown to everyone auditioning. She closes her eyes and I feel my body's adrenaline drop after losing the connection with Nini, her singing becomes more passionate. The crescendo starts to come to a full and she starts to really gain confidence in her singing. It was an amazing sight to see and Nini not only blessed the eyes and ears of everyone at the auditions but she won over the heart of Ms. Jenn and she 100% won the role of Gabriella too. She stops singing and the lights come back on, awe struck faces were seen across the stage and my face was one. Ms. Jenn quickly hides her dropped jaw so as to not make it obvious to the theater kids as to who she was planning on giving the role to, "Ok. Well thank you, Nini I only needed 32 bars but I appreciate your commitment." The three of us sit back down and the annoying trio behind starts to poke my back and bother. God I'm not going to hear the end of this.

Ms. Jenn turns to look at Ricky, "You, late boy. Let's do the Chad side." Ricky gulped and then walked to center stage to audition. Big Red also walked up the stairs to support his best friend Ashlyn turned towards Big Red and a smile grew on her face. I poke Seb and Jack's leg and point to Ashlyn, they look at her and then look to see what made her smile like that when they realized who she was looking at their eyes grew wide. Big Red gives Ricky a thumbs up and Ricky starts to speak, "Hey there, I'm Ricky Bowen." I roll my eyes, "I'm a junior" he continues, "And uh... he goes." Fucking finally. He starts to act out his scene, "I don't get it Troy." God this is going to be awful. I was correct because his acting was, to put it nicely, the worst I have ever seen in my life. "What kind of spell has this elevated IQ temptress-girl cast that suddenly makes you wanna be in a musical?" Everyone was sitting there awkwardly judging Ricky for his god-awful acting. He crumbles the script in his hand. What the fuck? Then I realized what he was doing, he was going off script. "I don't know. Maybe it's the way Gabriella always had your back." It was obviously directed at Nini and at that moment I felt my world crumble around me and my heart sink. "And maybe you can't stop beating yourself up for totally blowing it with her." He loved her, even if she was never able to say it. He did. I had to get over Nini, I knew falling for Nini was a mistake. It would only lead to being hurt again, but I let my walls down and I let myself fall harder and harder for her. "And look, Troy. Even if you never said the L-word to Gabrella, cause that's like not even a word your parents say to each other anymore..." Fuck now I just felt bad for him. Nini couldn't look him in the eyes, she couldn't even look in his direction. Why? Did she start to regret dating EJ, did she suddenly have an epiphany where she realized she loved Ricky this whole time? "That doesn't mean that you don't." Everyone looked around the room, whispering things to each other. My three friends behind me stared at me with pity, god I hated that look. "Maybe it just means you were waiting for the right time to say it. So that everyone could hear it." Trust me Ricky Bowen, there is no need for that. He scoffs, "No. So that she could." There it was, the stab to my lungs and the gunshot to my heart. Nini wasn't looking in his direction, she was looking at my shoes, as if she were to blink they were going to disappear with me along with them.

Ms. Jenn noticed Nini looking at me and not Ricky. She awkwardly cut in before the silence could be too deep, "Ok kiddo, time to sing." The pianist was about to play a song from the musical but Ricky cut him off, "Oh no, actually if you don't mind, I kinda prepared my own song?" Carlos and Ms. Jenn looked at each other and agreed once again people started gossiping around me. Nini's eyes finally left my shoes and she looked up to my eyes, they locked and butterflied flew at rapid speeds through my stomach to the point where my heart ached. I wanted to be the one she loved, but it wasn't me. It would never be me. Big Red handed Ricky his guitar and Ricky grabbed it before heading back to center stage. He strummed it to make sure it was tuned before starting his song. Nini's eyes left mine as she recognized the song, she annoyingly rolled her eyes and said, "He's not doing this." My eyebrows furrowed as I not only tried to remember where I heard the song from but also why it made Nini so annoyed. Everyone else around me seemed to know, why didn't I. He started singing and I finally recognized what it was. It was the song Nini wrote for him. Nini had showed me it one night at summer camp when she caught me up on all the things that happened between her and Ricky. It was a really emotional night for both of us. We snuck out of our cabin one night and while watching the stars we spilled everything we held in our hearts. I told her about Taylor, about what really happened that night and how she manipulated me into dropping everything I once loved. I told her about all the things I had gone through the last week of sophomore year and I even told her I wrote songs. I had never told anyone about that before, not even Seb and Ashlyn when we were in our prime. She asked to hear one of my songs but I didn't remember any of them, it had been too long and Taylor made me forget about them. I promised I would show her one of them one day and she smiled before happily agreeing. I continued to talk about my father's homophobia and how he rejects the fact that I'm gay. Silence fell among us and she in return told me about her and Ricky, not only that but she told me about how kids used to make fun of her for having two moms to the point where just never talked about her parents. We ended up opening our hearts up together so much we both started crying. We told each other things we had never once thought of saying out loud before. We talked all night with very little moments of silence and eventually calmed down and returned back to our cabin.

My mind snapped out of the memory when Ricky's song ended and applause broke out. I turned to Nini and she looked confused and furious. My eyes found EJ and he looked like he wanted to kill Ricky. Auditions eventually ended and I rushed out of the auditorium.


It was at the end of the day and Seb, Ashlyn, and Jack all found me in the hallway and dragged me with them, "What are you doing? What's going on?" Jack turned towards me and excitedly smiled, "Carlos is posting the cast list!" Hearing this the tree of us started running to catch up.

We caught up to Carlos and Kourtney at the front and when we turned the corner I saw Nini, Ricky, and Big Red already there. Were they talking before this? Koutrney tells Nini about the news and she joins the onslaught of theater kids waiting to see what they get. Carlos puts it on a window before moving off to the side. I quickly spotted my name under Seb's. We got Sharpay and Ryan! I turned to him excitedly and we hugged and squealed like little girls in a horror movie. Jack joined in with us, "I got it! I'm Troy's Dad!" I turned back around to see everyone else, I saw Nini's jaw on the floor. Gina looked at Nini salty, "Congrats" she says sarcastically. EJ looks around confused, "Chad? She thinks I'm a Chad?" Ricky comes over to the window and everyone's eyes are on him. He looks at the theater kids confused as he slowly approaches the list. EJ glares at him while he reads two parts over and over again.

Troy Bolton........Ricky Bowen

Gabriella Montez........Nini Salazar-Roberts



ok im a little burnt out from school and writng this so chaoter might be coming out slowers

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