Chapter 6- Interrogation Song

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This is utter hell. Big Red is a cool guy but god he can be so annoying sometimes. I thought he was being humble when he said he couldn't really read but this is next level. "Sharpay heads for class, hears singing, opens the door to the biology lab." he reads in a robotic, monotone voice. He took a pause after every word and it was infuriating me to the point I was going to grab my highlighter and shove it so far down his throat that he chokes and I would purposefully save his with the heimlich just so I can shave his bright red hair and throw him into an acid bath. Ok maybe that's a little far but it was REALLY annoying. "She finds Gabriella and Taylor washing their hands." I grab my bag from nearby my desk and start searching for a pencil. If John Wick could kill someone with a pencil why can't I? "They turn to find that there are no paper towels in the dispenser. They-" Ms.Jenn cuts him off and the last time I felt this happy was when I went to the Reputation Tour. "Stop. Don't run it all together. Read the punctuation." Thank you Ms.Jenn I am forever in your debt. I swear to god when this rehearsal is over I'll get you the biggest raise eve- "Sharpay comma heads for class period." SOMEONE HAND ME A FUCKING PENCIL AND I SWEAR I'LL MAKE IT QUICK. My mind wandered on all the ways I could possibly get out of this. Fake sick? Skip in the bathroom? Fake getting my period? Cry? Honestly I would've done anything. I'm just lucky Big Red finished reading before I made my decision.

Ms.Jenn slaps the table and talks out to the group, "And that's Act One. Let's take a break." she then whispers to Carlos, "Come here." I jump up excitedly out of my seat and start to stretch my back. Nini walks up to me, "Jesus you seem excited for that to be over." I smiled at her before replying, "It's because I am, literally ten more seconds of that and I would have either killed him or myself." A frown grew on Nini's face, it was another thing we talked about at camp but after everything that had happened I started to have legitimate thoughts about killing myself. I was lucky to have not only found Nini but I was also lucky Seb and Ashlyn allowed me back in.

Ever since that night she started to get more worried about the amount of suicide jokes I made. The thoughts eventually went away for the most part and my jokes about killing myself lessened, I know they still worried Nini though. She looked at me with saddened eyes, "You know how I feel about you making those jokes, Emma." My heart swells in two ways, one out of guilt, I made Nini sad because of my own dipshit problems, she shouldn't feel bad because of me. But in the second way my heart swelled out of pure joy, as much as I hated seeing her sad it was phenomenal to know that she was not only listening to me that night but she also took what I was saying seriously and was worried. I took a step closer to Nini and lowered my voice so not everyone could hear us. "I'm sorry Nini, trust me I know how much you hate it when I make jokes like that but I swear that's all it is. Jokes. I've been getting better" I take a pause in my sentence in order to gain the confidence to end it, "and it's because of you." Blush grows on her face and her voice gains a prominent British accent, "Well, I'm really glad I could help you, Emma. You didn't deserve what happened to you and-" Nini was cut off by EJ picking her up by the waist and spinning her around, she screams out in surprise and I roll my eyes before turning away from them.

EJ puts Nini down and they start to converse but jealousy consumes me too much to listen. I decided to distract myself by going on my phone. I giggled at a video that came up and sent it to Nini. I thought about it for a second before also sending it to Ricky, I know he's been trying to get over Nini so this might help cheer him up. Nini paused her conversation with EJ to look at the video and giggled. He asked her a question and Nini seemed to brush it off before sitting down. EJ looked behind him at both me and Ricky. EJ glared at Ricky giggling at his phone, having also found the video amusing.

Seb gets up to go talk to Ashlyn and Jack stands up and comes talk to me. "You know I saw you glaring at the so-called happy couple a second ago," he gloated with a sly smirk. I roll my eyes and respond, "It's nothing for you to worry about," Jack comes and sits down in the spot Seb had previously sat in.

Little Miss Perfect (nini x fem oc) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now