Chapter 3- Boyfriend

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I was sitting in the auditions room getting my makeup done by Ashlyn while Kourtney does Nini's make up to the right of us. EJ was sitting on the counter and Seb was trying going over the piano sheet music not too far from us. "You know, I'm actually kinda bummed that we don't have any competition here. It would make getting the leads all the sweeter." EJ said, smugly. Oh my god he's 100% sure he's gonna get Troy. "I don't know EJ, that freshman Jack has some real talent," I replied sarcastically. Nini smiles at me before turning to EJ and gently slapping his arm, "Could you stop tempting fate?" she playfully scolds him. EJ looks at her with so much love it makes me want to barf. Nini gives in to his puppy dog eyes and dopey smiles, "You know what? You're right. Whatever." EJ puts his fingers under her chin to tilt her face up to look at him. Before he could do anything though Ms. Jenn knocks on the door, getting all of our attention. She takes a step into the room before announcing to the group, "Ok, theater people!" She claps her hands together before continuing, "Let's do this!" All the other kids including EJ waste no time before getting up and going into the auditorium. I pack up my make-up as Nini shoots me a nervous smile. I return the smile before putting the last piece of make up in my bag and exit with her.

The auditions for the dancers are up first and a specific person stands out from the rest, Number 1. I didn't know her name but what I did know is the girl could dance. She was in the front but didn't cower at all, instead she held her head up high and danced with so much confidence it almost seemed cocky. I stood by Nini and EJ we were all gawking over the amazing dance moves they were performing for Ms. Jenn and Carlos. They were flawless and even Ashlyn looked like she was in her natural habitat with the dancers. Nini looked at me in worry and I sent her a reassuring smile before turning my attention back to Ashlyn. Ms. Jenn and Carlos were saying things the whole time, things that I assumed were about Number 1. The dance ended and everyone applauded for the dancers. "Great! That's it for the warm up." Carlos says before he and Ms. Jenn goes to talk about the dancers. Nini turns her body towards me and EJ. "That was the warm-up?" Nini asks, concerned. I put a hand on her shoulder to try and help with her nerves, I feel her shoulders relax slightly. "Everyone, pair up. Not with a friend. Theater is a community." Ms. Jenn commands. The freshman I had talked about earlier with EJ walks up to me and nervously asks if I would partner with him. I agree and we go to an empty space on the stage. Ms. Jenn claps to get our attention before speaking, "And we're back." Ms. Jenn tells us to help warm up each other's vocal cords. We do exercises and Jack was actually really good, though because he's a freshman I doubt he'll get the lead.

After doing our vocal warm ups Ms. Jenn tells us to line up. She starts to hand out scripts to each of us. "I'd love you to play for Ryan. You are giving major Taylor vibes. You're... probably a Chad." She gets to Ashlyn and I pray she gives her Mrs.Darbus. Ashlyn really wanted her and I think she would be perfect for the role. "You. You're giving me uncommon depth. Mrs.Darbus?" I smile for Ashlyn, "I'm dying. I'm deceased. Yes." Ashlyn replies. Ms.Jenn looks at her paper before looking back at Ashlyn.

"Oh, your application says you play piano"

"I dabble" I roll my eyes, Ashlyn didn't dabble in piano. She was really good actually.

"You ever written a song?"

"I mean nothing I've ever shared with anyone." Felt that.

"I always thought the drama teacher should have had an Act Two power ballad. We'll sidebar."and with that I continue to watch as Ms. Jenn moves down the line. She stops in front of Jack, I smile, he was a nice kid and I hope he gets a good role, "Maybe, Troy's dad?" she said as if she wasn't sure. I laughed, I found it funny a freshman would be playing the dad of someone at least two years older than him. "That's a-ok with me ma'am" he replied enthusiastically. I'm going to make fun of him for that later. She nods and takes two steps before stopping in front of Number 1 who Nini told me was named Gina. "Gabriella" Ms. Jenn doesn't hesitate to say. Gina smiles deviously before saying, "You got it." Carlos goes to hand her the script for Gabriella but she stops him, "Oh, I'm good. I'm already off book." she brags. I roll my eyes but Carlos looks at her impressed. Ms. Jenn stops in front of EJ. Here we go. "Give him the Troy stuff. Who are we kidding?" Ms. Jenn continued onto Nini who stood right next to me. "And how about we have you read for Kelsi?" Ms. Jenn said to the brunette. I saw Nini's shoulders slouch for a second and a smug grin grow on Gina's face. Nini opens her mouth to speak and she looks at EJ, he gives her a small smile and she then turns to me. I gave her the warmest and most comforting smile I could muster and hoped that it would give Nini the confidence to say what she wanted. She looks back at Ms. Jenn and takes a deep breath before speaking, "Um, Gabriella. I wanna audition for Gabriella." Ms. Jenn gives her a simple ok before moving onto me. "I'm getting some Sharpay vibes from you" A slight frown grows on Seb and I's faces but I chose to speak up, "Actually I'm auditioning for Ryan. Seb's going to be auditioning for Sharpay." Ms. Jenn looks between the two of us, Seb nervously smiles at her, "I love that. That is so fresh." I grab my script from Carlos and turn to Seb with a wide grin on my face.

The auditions went on and I think me and Seb did pretty well, our chemistry was definitely there, no doubt about it. "Okay, our last Troy. Oh! And he comes with props. Love it." Ms. Jenn chuckles and EJ fakes throwing the ball at her before pointing at her and returning the laugh. "Whenever you're ready." she says before whispering something to Carlos. Carlos whispers back and they go quiet. He started to sing and he sounded good. Good enough that he would 100% be playing Troy. Seb plays the piano along with his singing. It soon comes to an end. EJ begins to walk off before Ms. Jenn speaks up, "Well, excuse me, Armie Hammer just called. He wants his jawline back!" He looks at her weirdly and she awkwardly talks again, "We're moving onto the Gabriellas." Gina walks up to the stage and starts singing just as confidently as she was dancing. Fuck she really believes she's going to get the role huh. Don't get me wrong, she was good at singing and dancing but she wasn't fit for the role personality wise, not in the way Nini did. Nini was perfect for the role and I had no doubt in my mind she would get it.

EJ went to go to the bathroom. He said he went to "heal his voice" but I didn't really care about why he went, I was just mad he wasn't there to support his GIRLFRIEND who is SCARED SHITLESS and ABOUT TO GO ON STAGE. What an amazing boyfriend. Nini turns to me, "Ok, I could really use some last-minute tips. Like, now." I turn and look down to her smiling, "You're doing the thing, you know that right?"

"What thing?"

"You talk in a British accent when you're nervous"

"What?! No I do not" she slaps my arm

I raise my hands as a form of surrender, "It's nothing to be ashamed about Nini. It's kind of cute actually" Fuck.

Her British accent intensifies dramatically, "You're-You're insane I don't- oh I... I hear it now. Why am I so awkward?"

I laugh and put my hands on her shoulders, "Hey, Hey, listen to me. You've got this. Okay? You're the most perfect Gabriella I've ever met and you deserve this role more than anyone else here. There's nothing to be nervous about, just go up there, be yourself, and you'll get the role. And if we're lucky it won't be with 20 minutes notice like back in summer," I laugh to try and help her nerves, it seems to work because she smiles and her whole body relaxes. "You've got this. Trust me."

"I really appreciate... Oh my god I'm doing it again"

"Yeah you are, You're a total weirdo, and that is why you're my best friend."

Did I just friend zone the girl I have a crush on? Yes. Is it better to do that then get my heartbroken again? Maybe.

Her smiles fades slightly but she then nods, "Yeah, you're my best friend too"

Before either of us could say something else Nini gets called up to audition. She walks up to the center of the stage and Ms. Jenn whispers to Carlos. They talk and I try to read their lips to check if they say anything negative about Nini. I couldn't pick up on anything they were saying so I gave up and paid attention to Nini's audition. "Ok, Nini! Whenever you're ready." Ms. Jenn says. It's at this time EJ comes back from "healing his throat" and he sits next to me. Nini opens her mouth to sing but the door opens and I hear the voice I hated hearing more than anything.

"Am I too late? Am I too late?"



also a little shorter chapter but thats ok

ik ive been posting like almost everyday but that might not continue forever and I might start to take more breaks between chapters

anyways two more things

one: I just watched scream 6 and it was awesome, Jenna and Melissa but me gay panicking the whole film

two: i wanna make a The Whale ff for ellie but idk if yall would want that so... idk tell me if you would read it



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