✮sienna cade✮

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  A curly haired blonde sat on the rough sand, wet from high tide. Her board sat next to her as the sun set. Freckles dotted her face. With green eyes and a big smile, Sienna Cade was envied, that was for sure. Everyone hated her, either wanted to be her, or be with her. There wasn't really anyone that differed from those options. Except her best friend, Sarah Cameron. Sarah Cameron and Sienna Cade came as a package. It was both of them or nothing. Salt and Pepper. Peanut Butter and Jelly. That was them. Sarah sat on the other side of Sienna, her honey eyes and tanned skin glistening in the last glimmers of the sun of that fateful summer day. The two girls watched their friends on Mase, surfing at sunset.

  The wind actually had picked up, creating a nice breeze that defeated the raging humidity of the Outer Banks for once. Sienna turned to her left, a smile forming on her face. This is what summer was all about. The summer to end all summers. Typically, a normal teenager saved their best summer until their last, but Sienna could feel that this summer would be different. Her hair blew in her face, Sienna tucked it behind her ear. Sarah turned in Sienna's direction too, a giggle escaping her lips.

"What?" She asked.

Sienna's smile beamed, "Nothing. I'm just happy you're here."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Sarah shrugged.

"No, I mean- I'm happy the universe made us friends," Sienna held out her hand for Sarah to hold. She grabbed it tightly and Sienna led her to the ocean.

The two girls frolicked down in the direction of their friends Topper, Kelce, and Rafe. Topper was Sarah's boyfriend and Rafe was Sarah's brother. The five had all been friends as long as they could remember. Rafe not as much, seeing as he was older, but he would usually stick around in the summer and especially if Sienna was there.

"Yo Top! Kelce! Rafe!" Sienna called from shore.

The boys turned in her direction, waving at her. They thought she was just saying Hi, but then they realized they should come in. Plus, it was getting a little late anyways. The three boys ran out of the water, their bodies glistening with the water that was running down them.

Sienna concluded that they should all play a game of truth or dare. Rafe groaned, "Come on, we're not kids."

"It doesn't have to be PG," Kelce added.

The five sat down around a bonfire, the flames crackling in the clear night sky. Since they lived in the Outer Banks, it was out of the world of air pollution, for the most part. Sienna still tried to save the environment as much as she could, as Kie- Kiara always said. Due to low air pollution, the sky was completely lit up with extravagant and bright stars. Sienna admired them, the different constellations. The knowledge and theories behind them.

"Sienna? Truth or dare?" Topper asked.

"Dare," She smiled mischievously, braiding little pieces of her hair. Topper looked around when his eyes laid on the cliff behind her.

He pointed at it, "The Grand Canyon. Nobody's jumped off of it since Matty Drew broke his ribs back in '18. I dare you."

Sienna looked back at it, observing it's height. It really wasn't too much of a drop. The only problem Matty Drew had was that he hadn't jumped far enough. Sarah turned to look at 'The Grand Canyon' which is what the residents of OBX called it.

"You don't have to do that," Sarah softly said.

Sienna turned towards her, "I'll be fine, Sarah. You know me. I'm not one to back out of a dare," She stood up taking off her sweatshirt and sandals, leaving her in just her bikini.

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