chapter three: vodka lemonade

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chapter three

| vodka lemonade |


      "Ugh, I feel like it's too hot to tan," Sienna pulled her hair into a bun, her sunglasses resting on her face.

  Sienna and Sarah sat by the edge of the Cade pool. The two had decided to just have a girls' day, without the boys. Although it may have been one of the hottest days of the summer, the two decided to tan. Well, mainly Sarah. Sienna would rather be at the beach, but she just decided to go along with Sarah's plan. The blazing sun beat down on the girls, definitely going to create a bronze look for the two.

  "Go jump in the pool then," Sarah lifted up her sunglasses, looking at Sienna.

"Can you come with?" She stood undoing her bun, she just put in.

   She hummed, "I'll dip my feet."

Sienna shot the girl a thumbs up before doing a running dive into the pool. It was nice and cool for her to bask in. Her wild freckles were more prominent in the summer, which were existent through out her face. As she resurfaced her hair was slicked back. Her freckles danced around her face, but slightly burned from the chlorine.

Sarah laughed in the sun, watching Sienna swim over and grabbing her ankles.

  "Hey can you help me out?" She asked, holding her hand for Sarah to take, a mischievous grin playing at her lips.

"Not falling for that." The dirty blonde crossed her arms, before speaking again, "What? Do you think I'm five?"

  Sienna didn't back down and committed to the bit, "No, I'm serious. Can you help me?"

   Sarah rolled her eyes, before smirking and holding her hand out for Sienna to take. With that, Sarah had fallen into her trap. The hard pull Sienna exerted, jolted Sarah forward into the pool, to which she screamed before being cut off by going underwater. When Sarah resurfaced, she started splashing her blonde best friend. It had turn into a full blown splash war. The two girls laughed as the splash came to a slow, yet steady halt.

   Standing over them was Bianca, the youngest Cade with Wheezie, the youngest Cameron. The girls both held their phones and a drink.

   Wheezie sipped on hers while, the young blonde spoke, "There's better ways to spend your time." She tapped her foot on the cement.

  Bianca was quite literally a spitting image of their mother, looks and personality wise. The only thing that Sienna was sure that held Bianca back from being just as awful as their mother was because Sienna was older. The girls were both taught to respect their elders, although Sienna believed respect goes both ways as she grew older.

  "Like what?"

"Tanning," Bianca shrugged her shoulders. Wheezie and her walked to take both of their older sister's seats.

  Sarah and Sienna gave each other a look, rolling their eyes, before getting out of the pool. They both walked inside. "Vibe murderers," Sarah said playfully, leaning against the kitchen island.

  Sienna walked to the cabinets to grab two glasses, and some lemonade from the fridge. She reached under the island, where her parents kept some vodka, shushing Sarah. She poured some in each of theirs. Sarah giggled as Sienna placed it back where it came from, just as her father walked in.

  "What are you ladies up to?" Sienna almost jumped at the sound of his voice, sighing in relief that her father had come in at just the right time.

  Sarah jumped in immediately, "You know, just planning our outfits and stuff for Midsummers. Sienna and I are thinking either flowers, or basics."

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