chapter two: stomped out blunts

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chapter two

| stomped out blunts |


It was the perfect night for a bonfire, especially at the Boneyard. The sky was clear, and the air began to cool as the sun set. People from all over the island indulged into this party, even the tourists, or the tourons. Bait for the sharks. Although it was mostly girls that were desperate to escape their families and meet people their own age, mainly boys. In a sense, Kooks and Pogues were alike to the tourons. Everyone was trying to escape the deafening grasp of their families, although not everyone was that way. Look at Sarah Cameron, her family is picture perfect and a symbol of almost royalty on the island. If there was a King Kook on the island, it would be her father, Ward Cameron. A humble and a family man.

Sienna wore a plain pink dress, it was sheer, that flowed in the ocean wind. Little daisies littered the wrap dress that made it more feminine. A neat bow tied to the side, and she wore tan platform sandals to complete her look, although they would be taken off right when she got there. Sarah wore a dress similar to hers, instead it was a blue wrap dress with vibrant purple and pink flowers that Sienna couldn't quite identify. This always happened to the two, mistakenly matching, it was hilarious.

Sienna and Sarah walked in with their crew following behind them like bodyguards. Sarah spotted an old washed up lifeguard tower, which definitely had some disease on it. Topper followed after her like a lost puppy. Kelce and Rafe went off to go find some drinks, at least that's what Sienna liked to think. So the girl stood there, on the outskirts of the party, alone. She ditched her shoes at the base of a tree where various other shoes laid messily around. The sun was at a point of where no mattered where you turned, it was in your eyes. This didn't bode well with people who had lighter eyes, including her.

The curly blonde stood with her hands by her side, beginning to make her way over to the Keg, surely mixed up with something to loosen her up. Serving drinks was Pope Heyward who she saw earlier at the Coast Guard.

She smiled, "Hey, Pope. I'll take a cup of whatever you got there," She raked her hands in her hair, waiting for the Keg to fill it up, but it abruptly clicked when her cup was only a quarter full.

"Oh no," He toyed around with the attachment that was supposed to fill up her cup, and the building line behind her. "John B?" He called. That was his name, Sienna thought to herself.

He was nowhere to be found. As Pope looked around, he couldn't spot any of his other friends. He decided to make a decision that was probably stupid, but who else was there?

He asked Sienna, "Hey, can you run to John B's car? It's the Volkswagen van... Kinda hard to miss, to grab some more beer for the Kegger, we ran out. It should be unlocked."

She stood contemplating her decision, but she liked Pope, so she replied, "Yeah, I think I saw it on the way in."

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."

Sienna rushed up to the beach, and away from the party to the nearby parking lot that had been abandoned, meaning it was a great place for parking for Boneyard parties and Keggers. The wind blew her hair across her face, she swept it behind her ear. Sienna made her way through a clearing in the forest to the parking lot. She spotted John B's car as soon as it came into view. Pope was right, it was hard to miss. Sienna just wondered how he parked, that thing must've been like driving a tank. She walked up to his car, hoping for it be unlocked. She slid open the back door, thank God. She didn't want to have to go back down there with no beer.

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