chapter one: strawberry milkshakes & missing boats

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chapter one

| strawberry milkshakes & missing boats |


       Two blonde girls sat in a local cafe on the inlet called Katie's Cafe, meeting for breakfast the day before a storm. Those two girls were Sienna Cade and Sarah Cameron. Sienna had arrived early, so she had decided to go ahead and order her and Sarah two strawberry milkshakes for breakfast, a favorite dessert they had shared since they were little.

Sienna sat aimlessly scrolling on her socials when quick footsteps proceeded to her, abruptly stopping as Sarah plopped down in the chair beside her. "I'm so sorry I'm late," She profusely apologized.

Sienna placed her phone face down on the table, laughing, "It's okay."

Sarah smiled and the two looked at the menus, "I already ordered us strawberry milkshakes, so she'll be back in a few minutes with those. Are you gonna get anything to eat?"

"Nah, the milkshake will fill me up," She paused placing her hands on the table, "I have to tell you something."

Sienna squealed, "Ugh, me too."

The waitress came back with the girls' strawberry milkshakes, "Here you ladies go, enjoy your shakes!" She walked away.

"Ok so-" The girls both began, then laughed.

"You first," Sarah leaned back in her chair, allowing Sienna to say her part.

Sienna took a breath, "So I went to give a coffee out to Jorge, and turns out-"

"Turns out what?" Sarah interrupted her.

"Well, I was just getting to that part-" Sienna sighed.

"Oh. Sorry, continue," She waved her hand allowing her to begin.

"Jorge broke his femur, so last week I walk outside with a coffee for our new yard worker. Turns out JJ Maybank is filling in for him the entire summer," Sienna groaned, leaning forward to take a sip of her milkshake.

"Look, that's not awful-"

"No it is! I'm gonna be terrorized," Sienna cut her off.

"Okay, but he's nice-ish..." Sarah tried to reason.

Sienna sighed. She took another sip of her milkshake and so did Sarah. Sarah patted her back out of sympathy. "Well I guess I'll tell you what happened last night- So after we dropped you off..."

Sienna sipped her milkshake.

"Topper and I kinda-"

She coughed abruptly. "No, Sarah. No. For real?"

"Well that's what I'm telling you about-"

"Look, I know you like him," Sienna placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, "But we've all known each other since we were four. Isn't that a little weird for you?"

Sarah shrugged off her hand, "We almost did," She had completely ignored her comment.

"But you didn't, right?" Sienna gulped awaiting a response.

"No- He kinda got mad actually-"

"Oh my god. Why?" Sienna continued to sip on her milkshake.

"I wanted to at first, and then- I mean you know how it is," Sarah explained, Sienna placed a consoling hand over her's, understanding where Sarah was coming from.

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