chapter five: got your check

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chapter five

| "got your check" |


Sienna had never expected her Thursday morning to go the way it did. She was surprised she even was gonna try and take responsibility for her former actions from the previous day by apologizing. Sienna Cade had never apologized, really, because she never thought she did wrong. But yesterday- when she saw her mother treat JJ and John B the way she did- That's when Sienna had realized. She was just like her. After all the tears cried into her pillow from awful words towards her own daughter, you'd think Sienna would at least differ her actions slightly from Alexandria Cade- but no. Sienna Cade saw herself in twenty years in the exact same position as her mom.

Sienna never expected that her trying to change her ways would lead to a gash in the back of her head and she certainly never expected to be sitting in a hot-ass van with no air conditioning following John B and the rest of the Pogues on a wild goose chase, but here she was. In the flesh.

Every time Sienna had tried to do something different, the universe- It just shut down all operations. It blew up any missions to at least try and catch a different train. The train Sienna was on was going straight to a life where she was an alcoholic by 32 and with no awareness for the rest of the world. The worst problems Sienna would ever have would be deciding what designer purse would go better with her outfit. She may seem ungrateful, she knew that- But Sienna wanted more than the fate that destined her. It was cheesy- Sure. But Sienna Cade wanted live a story worth telling. The blonde sat with her arms resting on her legs staring out the window as the van came to a slow.

She heard the door slide open, her eyes followed the sound, to see everyone hopping out of the van, leaving just her. John B looked at her, then gestured for her to get out of the van. She sighed before making her way out. As John B began to speak, Sienna leaned on the side of the van with her arms crossed.

"Right- So, you're gonna stay here with the Twinkie and look out for bogeys. Spotter kinda thing-" John B pointed to JJ.

"Wait- Why me? And not-" JJ cut off John B and turned to search the group for another spotter, "Why not Kiara?"

"Because you're not coming."

"Why?" The blonde boy watched as John B shook his head at him.

Pope grabbed his shoulders gently at an arm's length, beginning to reason with him, "Look- There's independent and dependent variables," JJ creased his eyebrows in confusion, bringing hand to his chin, "You're independent. We don't know what you'll do."

JJ rolled his eyes before shoving Pope off of him, "Shut up!"

Pope backed off putting both his hands up, "Listen to me okay!" John B interfered. Kiara glanced at Sienna, the girls shared a look and frowned at the tensing situation.

"Pope, Sienna, you two stand lookout with JJ..." John B paused reading everyone's expression to make sure they understood, "Okay?"

Sienna nodded, "Roger that."

JJ sighed in annoyance as John B and Kiara walked away. The three turned back towards the Twinkie, Sienna had gathered that's what they called it.

"I'm gonna work on my merit scholarship essay. Trying to keep the felonies to a minimum," He pinched his fingers close together as he spoke to the two blondes. That was about the only thing Sienna and JJ had in common.

Sienna sat against the tree that shaded the trio, while JJ played hacky sack, kicking it around. He grunted as he struggled to keep it in the air. Sienna ran her hands through the part of her hair that had dried blood in it, in an effort to get it out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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