chapter four: beavus and butthead

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chapter four

| beavus and butthead |


  Goosebumps, is all Sienna felt. Not that kind you get when you're cold. The kind that will make your skin crawl. It makes your skin want to shrivel up and shed off of you. The tiny bumps traveled from the area of contact throughout her body, like a shockwave to her system. A pit grew in her stomach as she realized the barrel of a gun was pressed against the back of her neck.  She closed her eyes, and lifted her shaky hands. Two burly men surrounded her, one in front of her with a sinister smile. The other she could feel behind, holding an object that could simply end her life within a second. Sienna stood there in solidarity as she realized the possible fate waiting for her. Her ears rang and the saliva in her mouth dried up, her cereal trying to bubble up her throat. She just watched as this man smiled at her, enjoying her panic. Her fear. She was in deep shit.

  He inched closer to her face, grabbing her shoulders ferociously, but keeping her at an arms length, "Where is it?"

   An expression of utter confusion appeared on her face, she creased eyebrows, trying to think of anything at all he could be asking about. It could quite literally be life or death.

  "I- I don't know," She shook her head, his face contorted from a smile to a face filled with rage, pure anger. The chilling feeling intensified throughout her body.

He seethed, breathing heavily, "You know where it is!" He yelled in her face. Some spit prickling her cheeks. Her face cringed at the wetness.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" A burning rage surged through her projecting her voice, as it bellowed through the house. Seagulls that rested on top of the house, flew at the noise.

  The man backed away for a second before sending his full body force towards her. She hit the ground hard. Her head cracked a floor board, and all she saw was stars. The man who stood behind her backed away before he could break her fall, he went on to search the rest of the house, while the screaming one with a rugged beard laid over her.

  He shook Sienna, while she groaned in pain, "Tell me where the compass is, or I'm gonna kill you." 

  She couldn't register what he was saying, all she saw was the roof of the house she laid in. It was painted wood. The cream color that floated above her was all she focused on. The dusty room created a haze from the morning sun that would likely be at it's apex soon. He dished a final shove against the ground as he realized the girl was hopeless.

  This is the last time I ever apologize to anyone. She laid on the floor in a dazed state, she couldn't tell if her head hurt or not, but once she tried to sit up she realized the weight of it. Her vision became fuzzy, but she was determined not to pass out. She rolled over on her stomach, breathing in sharply to get out of the burly men's way. She didn't even know who was attacking her. These men walked in and out with crates of papers and documents, ignoring her presence. She was tossed aside, of no use. She heard a car engine start and with that, the men weren't seen again.

Sienna waited for a few moments before trying to prop herself against the wall, she lost balance and her head felt as if it was heavier than the weight of the force used to pull the sword from the stone. She breathed heavily as she had finally stabilized herself in a seated position after multiple attempts.

  "Hey!" Someone had shouted from outside, she turned her face to the side. Had the burly men really come back for more? Rapid footsteps grew louder as someone came into view. It was Kiara Carrera.

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