Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

    Han Lin ate in fear, because as soon as Shi Yu fed Yinghuo, the cold air "bubbled" from Yinghuo's body, so cold that the whole car felt like the wind was blowing. Only Shi Yu didn't realize it at all.

    "Are you full? Do you want to eat more?" Shi Yu asked. Dodged a bullet. Shi Yu's tense nerves also relaxed, and he was a little more patient with Han Lin.

    "Hmph." Yinghuo snorted again.

    "Oh, what have you been upset about all this time? You've been putting on a dead face all morning!" Shi Yu finally noticed Yinghuo's anomaly. asked.

    Everyone else is about to cry, big sister! You can be regarded as long-sighted. If you don't ask again, this car will almost become a freezer.

    "Isn't it just that there is no food for you? You are not a monster... er... monster..." Shi Yu suddenly said baldly. For a while, I got stuck on the word "demon" and couldn't continue talking.

    "What do you want? Why are you still stuttering?" Xun Bingbing asked suspiciously.

    "Bigu! Yes, don't you want bigu? Don't you need to eat? I didn't give it to you. Don't be so stingy." Shi Yu smiled flatteringly at Yinghuo.

    "Hmph, how could the dog-eating deity like that." Yinghuo replied coolly, and he didn't know what was wrong with him. When I saw Shi Yufei's appearance on this man, I felt an eyesore. Why is this woman so shameless? ! Every man should be courteous, if she really has anything to do with Wuxin, it would be a real insult to Wuxin's good upbringing!     "Hey! Yinghuo. Don't push yourself too hard! What is dog food?! If you have the ability, go and get a Manchu banquet back?" Shi Yu's expression turned pale when he heard Yinghuo's words. I just feel that this is an old monster who has become a spirit after all, and what he says is as ugly as farting. Immediately, his face darkened, and he choked with Yinghuo.     "Stop arguing, stop arguing. I saw the village." Wu Qianqian pointed out the window.     Han Lin and Shi Yu looked in the direction, and they saw a small village with five or six houses together.

    "Hurry up. Hurry up." Shi Yu said, she noticed that Han Lin was getting more and more tired. If he fell asleep, it would be uncertain whether he would be a human or a corpse when he woke up.

    "Xiaoyu, I also want to hurry up, but there are all small paths over there!" Xun Bingbing made it difficult.

    "What's wrong with the small road?"

    "One road, both sides are field ridges! You are not afraid that I will go directly to the bottom of the ridge?" Xun Bingbing said with a trembling heart, she also knew how much she had, and this place was after all Now, if the car is overturned, how long will it take to get a new car.

    "I'm dizzy, my God, I want to change teammates!" Shi Yu rolled his eyes helplessly, got out of the car resignedly, and prepared to walk over with a group of people.

    "Look at Han Lin's half-dead look, why don't he stay in the car?" Shi Yu frowned, looking at Han Lin's appearance of collapsing in the wind, and he was also a little embarrassed.

    "Heh, I really care about people, that's all, I'm too lazy to move, you go." Yinghuo, who was about to get out of the car, half-lyed down again, closed her eyes and rested.

    Shi Yu looked at the village not far away, it looked deserted, there was not even a dog barking or a chicken foot. Although it was already dawn, the sun had not yet risen, and the mountains were still a bit chilly. The more he looked at the village, the more he felt It was gloomy, and he looked back at Yinghuo again, wanting him to go with him.

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